
Scan Execution Examples

Example 1: Scan multiple systems for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file located in your current directory

PS C:\> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile .\localhost.mof -ComputerName dsctest-1, dsctest-2, dsctest-3

This command executes a DSCEA scan against 3 remote systems, dsctest-1, dsctest-2 and dsctest-3 using a locally defined MOF file that exists in the current directory. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.

Example 2: Scan multiple systems for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file using the full file path

PS C:\> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\localhost.mof -ComputerName dsctest-1, dsctest-2, dsctest-3

This command executes a DSCEA scan against 3 remote systems, dsctest-1, dsctest-2 and dsctest-3 using a locally defined MOF file that exists at “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA”. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.

Example 3: Scan multiple systems using a carriage return style input file for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file located in your current directory

PS C:\> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile .\localhost.mof -InputFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\computers.txt

This command executes a DSCEA scan against the systems listed within “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\computers.txt” using a locally defined MOF file that exists in the current directory. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.

Example 4: Scan multiple systems using a carriage return style input file for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file using the full file path

PS C:\> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\localhost.mof -InputFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\computers.txt

This command executes a DSCEA scan against the systems listed within “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\computers.txt” using a locally defined MOF file that exists at “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA”. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.

Example 5: Scan multiple systems for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file using the full file path - Syntax Detail Example

PS C:\> Start-DSCEAscan -MofFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\localhost.mof -ComputerName dsctest-1, dsctest-2, dsctest-3 -OutputPath C:\Temp\DSCEA\Output -ResultsFile "results.xml" -LogsPath C:\Temp\DSCEA\Logs -JobTimeout 10 -ScanTimeout 60 -Force -Verbose

This command executes a DSCEA scan against 3 remote systems, dsctest-1, dsctest-2 and dsctest-3 using a locally defined MOF file that exists at “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA”. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.

This command specifies custom values for -OutputPath and -LogsPath, which must be directories that are pre-existing to store results and logs from the scan. This scan also specifies custom values for -ResultsFile to provide the file name of the scan results file, -JobTimeout and -ScanTimeout which provide new timeout values for individual system timeouts and the overall scan timeout, a -Force option which attempts to close any running DSC related processes on systems being scanned before a scan begins to avoid LCM conflicts and -Verbose, which will provide full verbose output of the scan process.

Example 6: Scan multiple non-domain systems for compliance to settings defined within a localhost.mof file using the full file path and New-CimSession

PS C:\> $UserName = 'LocalUser'

        $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "P@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force
        $Servers = "dsctest-4,dsctest-5,dsctest-6"
        $Cred =  New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $Password
        $Sessions = New-CimSession -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $Servers -Credential $Cred
        Start-DscEaScan -CimSession $Sessions -MofFile C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA\localhost.mof -Verbose

This command utilizes New-CimSession and executes a DSCEA scan against 3 remote non-domain systems, dsctest-4, dsctest-5 and dsctest-6 using a locally defined MOF file that exists at “C:\Users\username\Documents\DSCEA”. This MOF file specifies the settings to check for during the scan. Start-DSCEAscan returns a XML results file containing raw data that can be used with other functions, such as Get-DSCEAreport to create reports with consumable information.