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Lab 2 - Create a Virtual Machine

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🗒️ This lab has two options and you should choose one of the two to proceed further. Your choice impact future modules, so ensure to work with your preferred lab before moving forward.

Prerequisites before starting these labs#

  1. Access to the Azure Portal on the same tenant as is on Partner Center
  2. Have an Azure Subscription in order to create and pay for usage of created resources

Lab 2.a: Create a Windows Virtual Machine#

Perform this lab to create a Windows based Virtual Machine. If you choose to go with this lab, you will have to choose the same base image labs for the next sections as well.

Lab 2.b: Create a Linux Virtual Machine#

Perform this lab to create a Linux based Virtual Machine. If you choose to go with this lab, you will have to choose the same base image labs for the next sections as well.

You will configure the size, availability considerations as well as use a post deployment script to install a web server within the same server.