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Lab 5 - Purchase your Offer

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This lab is part of a series of labs for Mastering the Virtual Machine Offers workshop. You should finish this lab before moving on to the next labs in this course.

Prerequisites before starting this lab#

  1. Access to the Azure Portal on the same tenant as is on Partner Center
  2. An active Azure Subscription to pay for resource creation

Purchase your Offer#

  1. Navigate to the offer link shown on Partner Center in the Offer Overview page
  2. Select the plan you want to purchase from the drop down list and click Create
  3. Under the Basics tab, configure the Subscription, Resource Group, Virtual Machine name and size based on your requirements (you may leave it default)
  4. Switch over to Disks tab and select Standard HDD for OS Disk Type. Leave the rest default and click on Review + create at the bottom
  5. ONce validation has passed, reverify the configuration details and click Create. This will start the deployment of your VM based on the plan selected.
  6. Once deployment has succeeded, navigate to the resource group that hosts the new vm and copt the Public IP of the Virtual Machine.
  7. Open a new tab and paste the copied Public IP. You will now see the deployed server page with the customized message you added in the Post Deployment script during VM creation.

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed this lab as well as purchased the offer the you created. You can now explore and create new images based on production requirements

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