Class FocusRaycastTestProxy
Used by FocusProviderRaycastTests to represent a single raycast test. This is used to set any necessary values on the TestPointer for performing the test, including positioning (through RayLineData), as well as the GameObject that the test author expects to be selected as the pointer's new focus target after the values are set on the TestPointer, and it is updated by the FocusProvider.
Namespace: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Tests
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public class FocusRaycastTestProxy : MonoBehaviour
The object that is expected to be set for the TestPointer's CurrentPointerTarget after Update(). If the target object doeesn't match, it will fail the test.
public GameObject ExpectedHitObject
Field Value
Type | Description |
GameObject |
The number of RaySteps to generate from RayLineData. Corresponds to LineCastResolution and is used to set that value on the TestPointer.
public int LineCastResolution
Field Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
The physics layers used for the FocusProvider raycasts and prioritization. Corresponds to PrioritizedLayerMasksOverride and is used to set that value on the TestPointer.
public LayerMask[] PrioritizedLayerMasks
Field Value
Type | Description |
LayerMask[] |
Represents the ray line along which the FocusProvider will raycast. Corresponds to LineBase and is used to set that value on the TestPointer.
public BaseMixedRealityLineDataProvider RayLineData
Field Value
Type | Description |
BaseMixedRealityLineDataProvider |