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The pymarlin.utils,checkpointer.checkpoint_utils module cointains the AbstractCheckpointer class that can be extended and passed along to pymarlin.core.trainer.Trainer for checkpointing. A default implementation is provided via DefaultCheckpointer in case no checkpointer is passed along to pymarlin.core.trainer.Trainer. Users can control the DefaultCheckpointer behavior via the DefaultCheckpointerArguments, and modify the arguments dataclass for their own checkpointers. Here is an example of how to create your own checkpointer:

# Implement a dataclass for custom checkpointer arguments
class MyCheckpointerArguments:
# Args for custom checkpointer class.
checkpoint: bool = True
save_dir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "checkpoints")
model_state_save_dir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "checkpoints")
load_dir: str = None
load_filename: str = None
file_prefix: str = "checkpoint"
file_ext: str = "pt"
# Implement AbstractCheckpointer
class MyCheckpointer(AbstractCheckpointer):
def __init__(self, args):
# Initialize checkpointer by passing along args for user configurations
# such as directory to load or save checkpoints, flags, etc.
self.args = args
def save(self, checkpoint_state, index, force=False):
# Trainer calls this method at every epoch, regardless of any
# arguments set, and thus this method should contain all logic for
# how, where, and when a checkpoint needs to be saved when called. Users can
# call any checkpointer's save method at other stages of the training lifecycle
# with the provided hooks, and are encouraged to implement all
# checkpointing logic here. An index argument is required, and can be
# used to create a unique name for the file to be saved or as part of the
# checkpointing logic. The optional force flag should allow disregarding
# any custom logic implemented, so as to ensure Trainer can save
# the last epoch when training and checkpointing is enabled.
# Note that args can be customized to form save path in any way required
# Where to save the checkpoint:
path = os.path.join(self.args.save_dir,
# Custom logic for when to save a checkpoint here
# When to save the checkpoint:
if index % 5 == 0:
# How to save the checkpoint:, path)
def save_model(self, model_state, index):
# Trainer will call this at the end of training.
# An index argument is required to create a unique name for the file
# to be saved.
# Implement this method if you wish to save exclusively the ModuleInterface (model)
# state at the end of training. As with save(), this is called automatically by
# Trainer, but can be used at other stages of the training lifecycle via hooks.
if self.args.checkpoint and self.args.model_state_save_dir:
path = os.path.join(self.args.model_state_save_dir,
f"{self.args.file_prefix}_model_{index}.{self.args.file_ext}"), path)
def load(self):
# Implements logic to load a checkpointed file. Always called
# upon initialization of Trainer. Leverage checkpointer args
# to implement how and from where to load the checkpointed file, and
# return the loaded checkpoint to Trainer. Trainer expects a Checkpoint
# dataclass instance returned.
if self.args.load_dir and self.args.load_filename:
path = os.path.join(self.args.load_dir,
return torch.load(path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
self.logger.warning('No checkpointer loaded, check load_fir and load_filename are set.')
return Checkpoint()
# Create instance of custom checkpointer
my_args = MyCheckpointerArguments()
my_checkpointer = MyCheckpointer(my_args)
# Pass along custom checkpointer to Trainer
trainer = Trainer(module=module_interface,

Recall that these three methods are called automatically by pymarlin.core.trainer.Trainer:

  • load(): at pymarlin.core.trainer.Trainer inicialization, before training.
  • save(): at the end of every epoch and once more after training with force=True.
  • save_model(): at the end of training. Please review the AbstractCheckpointer documentation for precise method signatures for correctly interfacing with pymarlin.core.trainer.Trainer if creating a custom checkpointer. To customize what is checkpointed as a part of the attributes of Checkpoint, please override the get_state() methods at ModuleInterface.get_state(), Trainer.get_state() and TrainerBackend.get_state(). For example, for Trainer.get_state():
class MyTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self, module, args, trainer_backend, checkpointer):
super().__init__(module, args, trainer_backend, checkpointer)
def get_state(self) -> dict:
state_dict = {
"last_epoch": self.last_epoch,
"optimizers": [optimizer.state_dict() for optimizer in self.optimizers],
"schedulers": [scheduler.state_dict() for scheduler in self.schedulers],
"args": self.args # Adding something else we want to save
return state_dict

Please remember to also update update_state() methods if appropriate.