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With pymarlin library, distillation can be done in a standalone manner or as an extension to your original training Scenario. In this example, we will go through how the GLUE Task setup was extended to also perform distillation.

Data Preprocessing is the same as here. The main implementation is in the ModuleInterface which we chose to call DistillRecipe (inheriting from the GLUE Recipe).

The key methods of DistillRecipe that we want to override:

  1. Setting up teacher and student model and related items such as config as needed. Here, we have the option to modify the student config depending on the desired changes to the depth or width of the model.

    def setup_models(self):
    # teacher setup
    self.teacher = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
    os.path.join(self.args.model_args.model_wts_path, self.args.model_args.model_file),
    # student setup
    self.model = copy.deepcopy(self.teacher)
    if len(self.student_layers) > 0:
    layer_modules = getattr(self.model, self.args.model_args.encoder_key).encoder.layer
    new_layer_modules = distill_utils.extract_layers(layer_modules, self.student_layers)
    getattr(self.model, self.args.model_args.encoder_key).encoder.layer = new_layer_modules
    self.output_hidden = True if 'hidden_states' in self.loss_types else False
    self.output_attentions = True if 'attentions' in self.loss_types else False
    return (self.model, self.teacher)
  2. Modify train_step to set teacher in eval mode, get teacher outputs, get student outputs, and compute a custom loss. The loss can be a combination of logits, labels or various intermediate representations such as hidden_states and attentions. You have the flexibility to determine your distillation logic.

    def train_step(self, global_step, batch, device):
    inputs = self._inputs_to_device(batch, device)
    teacher_outputs = self.teacher.forward(**inputs,
    ) # label_loss, logits, hidden, attns
    student_outputs = self.model.forward(**inputs,
    total_loss = torch.zeros([1], dtype=student_outputs[0].dtype, device=device)
    for i, k in enumerate(self.loss_types):
    if k == 'labels':
    student_scores = student_outputs.loss
    teacher_scores = teacher_outputs.loss
    student_scores = getattr(student_outputs, k)
    teacher_scores = getattr(teacher_outputs, k)
    if student_scores is not None and teacher_scores is not None:
    if k == 'logits':
    total_loss += self.loss_weights[i] * distill_utils.logits_loss(
    student_scores, teacher_scores,
    elif k != 'logits' and self.distill_args.width_shrinkage == 0:
    total_loss += self.loss_weights[i] * distill_utils.representations_loss(
    return total_loss
  3. As an example, on_end_train can be used to cleanup any changes made to the final student model config and save it to the output directory along with the student model.

That's it! If you have a scenario setup it's as easy as overriding just 2 methods.