Getting docker and docker-compose for Coral

On Windows

  1. Install the community edition (CE). This will install all the docker tools you'll need. (Follow this direct link if you don't wish to sign up)
  2. Ensure you've chosen linux containers, and not windows. This option might pop up during installation, but can be set after as well.
  3. Restart the machine (the docs say log out, but that does not always work)
  4. Share the drives with Docker because we'll be persisting some volumes.

On Mac

  1. Install homebrew: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install docker for Mac: brew cask install docker

On Linux

  1. Install docker and docker-compose using the package manager available on your distribution.
  2. After installation, it is recommended to add your user to the docker group and set it up to start on boot. Instructions for this are available [here](