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The @devicescript/settings builtin module provides a lightweight flash storage for small setting values. Settings values are serialized in flash and available across device reset. Firmware updates might erase the settings.


You can store settings and secrets in .env files.

.env.defaults and .env.local files

Don't store secrets or settings in the code, use .env files instead.

  • ./.env.defaults: store general settings (tracked by version control)
  • ./.env.local: store secrets or override for general settings (untracked by version control)

The .env* file use a similar format to node.js .env file.

# This file is tracked by git. DO NOT store secrets in this file.
# This file is **NOT** tracked by git and may contain secrets
TEMP=70 # override TEMP

The secrets can only be accessed by the DeviceScript program and are not available through the Jacdac protocol.

  • multiline values, and # in quote strings are not supported.
  • key length should be less than 14 characters.


Serializes an object into a setting at a given key. The key name should be less than 16 characters.

import { writeSetting } from "@devicescript/settings"

await writeSetting("hello", { world: true })


Deserializes an object from a setting at a given key. If the key is missing or invalid format, it returns undefined or the second argument.

import { readSetting } from "@devicescript/settings"

const world = await readSetting("hello", ":)")


Deletes a setting at the given key. If the setting does not exist, does nothing.

import { deleteSetting } from "@devicescript/settings"

await deleteSetting("hello")