⚠️ Deprecation notice

This preview integration of IoT Edge 1.x and Kubernetes will not be made generally available, and is no longer supported. The recommended way to run IoT Edge 1.x on Kubernetes is noted in the product's official docs

Run on host network

For some scenarios, especially those involving the BACNet protocol, workloads need to run on the host network namespace. This is not the default configuration for Kubernetes, so to run a module on the host network use following createOptions:

    "HostConfig": {
        "NetworkMode": "host"

The edgeAgent translates these createOptions to setup the module to run in the host network namespace on Kubernetes. Unlike Docker-based deployments the NetworkingConfig section is not required. It will be ignored if specified.

All modules don't need to run in the host network to be able to communicate with each other. For example, a BACNet module running on the host network can connect to edgeHub module running on the internal cluster network.