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Command Line Options

lage is meant to be run as a CLI. After installing lage inside the repository or globally, you can run the npm scripts from your repository like this:

lage [options] <command>
lage [options] <command>

Run Command

Runs a set of commands in a target graph. The targets are defined by packages and their scripts as defined the package.json files.

Usage: lage [run] <command1> [command2...commandN] [options] run commands


--reporter <reporter...> reporter (default: "npmLog")
--log-level <level> log level (choices: "info", "warn", "error", "verbose", "silly")
--verbose verbose output
-c, --concurrency <n> concurrency (default: os.cpus() - 1)
--scope <scope...> scopes the run to a subset of packages (by default, includes the dependencies and dependents as well)
--no-dependents|--no-deps disables running any dependents of the scoped packages
--dependencies|--include-dependencies adds the scoped packages dependencies as the "entry points" for the target graph run
--since <since> only runs packages that have changed since the given commit, tag, or branch
--to <scope...> runs up to a package (shorthand for --scope=<scope...> --no-dependents)
--grouped groups the logs (default: false)
--no-cache disables the cache
--reset-cache resets the cache, filling it after a run
--skip-local-cache skips caching locally
--profile [profile] writes a run profile into a file that can be processed by Chromium devtool
--nodearg <nodeArg> arguments to be passed to node (e.g. --nodearg="--max_old_space_size=1234 --heap-prof" - set via "NODE_OPTIONS" environment variable)
--continue continues the run even on error
-h, --help display help for command
--reporter <reporter...> reporter (default: "npmLog")
--log-level <level> log level (choices: "info", "warn", "error", "verbose", "silly")
--verbose verbose output
-c, --concurrency <n> concurrency (default: os.cpus() - 1)
--scope <scope...> scopes the run to a subset of packages (by default, includes the dependencies and dependents as well)
--no-dependents|--no-deps disables running any dependents of the scoped packages
--dependencies|--include-dependencies adds the scoped packages dependencies as the "entry points" for the target graph run
--since <since> only runs packages that have changed since the given commit, tag, or branch
--to <scope...> runs up to a package (shorthand for --scope=<scope...> --no-dependents)
--grouped groups the logs (default: false)
--no-cache disables the cache
--reset-cache resets the cache, filling it after a run
--skip-local-cache skips caching locally
--profile [profile] writes a run profile into a file that can be processed by Chromium devtool
--nodearg <nodeArg> arguments to be passed to node (e.g. --nodearg="--max_old_space_size=1234 --heap-prof" - set via "NODE_OPTIONS" environment variable)
--continue continues the run even on error
-h, --help display help for command


Basic case, running "build", "test", and "lint" against all packages

lage build test lint
lage build test lint


lage build test lint --concurrency=4
lage build test lint --concurrency=4

Filtering by certain packages

Scoped to "package-a" and "package-b" and their dependencies and dependents:

lage build test lint --scope package-a package-b
lage build test lint --scope package-a package-b

Scoped to "package-a" and "package-b" only:

lage build test lint --scope package-a package-b --no-deps
lage build test lint --scope package-a package-b --no-deps

Scoped to packages that have changed in the current branch against a target merge branch:

lage build test lint --since origin/master
lage build test lint --since origin/master

Continue running even after encountering an error for one of the targets

lage build test lint --continue
lage build test lint --continue

Controlling logged outputs

Show verbose output for each target:

lage build test lint --verbose
lage build test lint --verbose

Show only errors for each target:

lage build test lint --log-level=error
lage build test lint --log-level=error

Show logs as grouped by each target:

lage build test lint --grouped --verbose
lage build test lint --grouped --verbose

Choosing a different reporter while logging (e.g. nice outputs for Azure DevOps):

lage build test lint --reporter=azureDevops
lage build test lint --reporter=azureDevops

Cache Command

lage by default will skip tasks that it has already done recently. As long as the source file and the command called to lage has not changed, those packages will be skipped. Sometimes, this incremental behavior is not desired. You can override the caching behavior by using the no-cache argument.

lage build --no-cache
lage build --no-cache


--reporter <reporter...> reporter (default: "npmLog")
--log-level <level> log level (choices: "info", "warn", "error", "verbose", "silly")
--verbose verbose output
--prune <days> Prunes cache older than certain number of <days>
--clear Clears the cache locally
-h, --help display help for command
--reporter <reporter...> reporter (default: "npmLog")
--log-level <level> log level (choices: "info", "warn", "error", "verbose", "silly")
--verbose verbose output
--prune <days> Prunes cache older than certain number of <days>
--clear Clears the cache locally
-h, --help display help for command


Prune local cache older than 30 days

lage cache --prune 30
lage cache --prune 30

Completely clear all local cache

lage cache --clear
lage cache --clear

Global Options

These are options that apply to all commands.

Verbosity, Log Levels, and Grouping

lage by default will hide the output from successful tasks. If you want to see the output as they are being generated, call lage with the verbose argument.

lage build --verbose
lage build --verbose

Log Levels

You can control the log level instead of using "--verbose" argument. You can display warn messages and above (error) in the following example:

lage build --log-level warn
lage build --log-level warn

Valid values here are silly, verbose, info, warn, error. If error is passed to --log-level, you'll receive the least amount of information. The default is info.

Grouped logs

lage will interweave all the stdout and stderr from all active targets as they are running. This may become a mess, so lage can group output messages together. These messages will only be displayed when the target is completed:

lage build --verbose --grouped
lage build --verbose --grouped


lage comes with various kinds of reporters. Reporters take the logged messages of the target runs, format them, and display them. The default one can group messages, and there are ones that would work well with various Continuous Integration systems like Azure DevOps.

You can pick the reporter by passing the --reporter flag:

lage build --reporter json
lage build --reporter json

Available reporters are: azureDevops, json. By default the log messages are formatted with the "default" reporter.