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Configuration is provided by Cosmiconfig, so lage configuration is very flexible! We recommend the use of a lage.config.js because it is both concise and flexible.

Create a lage.config.js file at the workspace root and place all your configurations there:

module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: ["build"]
module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: ["build"]

A Complete Tour of the Config


Roll over the various properties to tour the different configs

module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: {
outputs: [],
dependsOn: ["build"]
lint: {
type: "worker",
options: {
maxWorkers: 4,
worker: "path/to/scripts/worker/lint.js"
start: [], // Calls "start" in all the packages
"specific-package-a#test": ["specific-package-b#build"]
// optional, by default "npm run" is used; "yarn" can exhibit slightly different behavior,
npmClient: "yarn",
cacheOptions: {
/** @see */
cacheStorageConfig: {
// use this to specify a remote cache provider such as "azure-blob",
provider: "azure-blob",
// there are specific options here for each cache provider
options: {}
* Any of these files changed would invalidate the cache.
* NOTE: lockfiles are NOT necessary here. lage already takes external
* dependency versions into account.
environmentGlob: [".github/**", ".azure-devops/**"],
* Useful for when caches need to be versioned
cacheKey: "v1",
* Manually set this to true so that remote caches are pushed - useful in
* CI systems that do *not* use standard environment variables to indicate
* a CI run.
writeRemoteCache: boolean,
* Skips writes to local cache - also useful in CI (defaults to true when
* CI systems are detected)
skipLocalCache: boolean
* affects the --since flag: ignore changes in these paths, so they do not
* count as changes between refs
ignore: ["*.md"],
* affects the --since flag: any changes in these paths mean that --since
* flag is disabled; caching is not affected by this flag
repoWideChanges: ["yarn.lock"]
module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: {
outputs: [],
dependsOn: ["build"]
lint: {
type: "worker",
options: {
maxWorkers: 4,
worker: "path/to/scripts/worker/lint.js"
start: [], // Calls "start" in all the packages
"specific-package-a#test": ["specific-package-b#build"]
// optional, by default "npm run" is used; "yarn" can exhibit slightly different behavior,
npmClient: "yarn",
cacheOptions: {
/** @see */
cacheStorageConfig: {
// use this to specify a remote cache provider such as "azure-blob",
provider: "azure-blob",
// there are specific options here for each cache provider
options: {}
* Any of these files changed would invalidate the cache.
* NOTE: lockfiles are NOT necessary here. lage already takes external
* dependency versions into account.
environmentGlob: [".github/**", ".azure-devops/**"],
* Useful for when caches need to be versioned
cacheKey: "v1",
* Manually set this to true so that remote caches are pushed - useful in
* CI systems that do *not* use standard environment variables to indicate
* a CI run.
writeRemoteCache: boolean,
* Skips writes to local cache - also useful in CI (defaults to true when
* CI systems are detected)
skipLocalCache: boolean
* affects the --since flag: ignore changes in these paths, so they do not
* count as changes between refs
ignore: ["*.md"],
* affects the --since flag: any changes in these paths mean that --since
* flag is disabled; caching is not affected by this flag
repoWideChanges: ["yarn.lock"]