Class: G3XMapBuilder
A builder for G3X Touch maps.
• new G3XMapBuilder(): G3XMapBuilder
▸ airspaces<MapBuilder
, gduFormat
, settingManager?
, order?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which displays airspaces, and optionally binds the visibility of airspaces to user settings.
Adds the following...
Context properties:
[MapSystemKeys.AirspaceManager]: GenericAirspaceRenderManager
[MapSystemKeys.Airspace]: MapAirspaceModule
[MapSystemKeys.Airspace]: MapAirspaceLayer
[GarminMapKeys.AirspaceVisibility]: MapAirspaceVisController
(only with user settings support)
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
gduFormat | GduFormat | The format of the map's parent GDU. |
settingManager? | UserSettingManager <Partial <MapAirspaceVisUserSettings >> | A setting manager containing the user settings controlling airspace visibility. If not defined, airspace visibility will not be controlled by user settings. |
order? | number | The order to assign to the airspace layer. Layers with lower assigned order will be attached to the map before and appear below layers with greater assigned order values. Defaults to the number of layers already added to the map builder. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ compassArc<MapBuilder
, options
, order?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which displays a compass arc. The compass arc is displayed only in Heading Up and Track Up orientation while the map is following the player airplane.
Requires the following...
[MapSystemKeys.OwnAirplaneProps]: MapOwnAirplanePropsModule
[MapSystemKeys.AutopilotProps]: MapGarminAutopilotPropsModule
(only if the heading bug is shown)[MapSystemKeys.FollowAirplane]: MapFollowAirplaneModule
[GarminMapKeys.Orientation]: MapOrientationModule
[GarminMapKeys.Units]: MapUnitsModule
(only if magnetic/true bearing toggle is desired)
Adds the following...
[G3XMapKeys.CompassArc]: G3XMapCompassArcModule
[G3XMapKeys.CompassArc]: G3XMapCompassArcLayer
[G3XMapKeys.CompassArc]: MapRangeCompassController
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <Omit <G3XMapCompassArcLayerModules , "compassArc" >, any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Readonly <CompassArcOptions > | Styling options for the compass arc. |
order? | number | The order to assign to the compass arc layer. Layers with lower assigned order will be attached to the map before and appear below layers with greater assigned order values. Defaults to the number of layers already added to the map builder. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ dataIntegrity<MapBuilder
, gduIndex
, gduSettingManager
, airplaneIconSrc?
, airplaneIconAnchor?
, normalIconSrc?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which supports data integrity state. During loss of valid heading information, the map will default to North Up orientation, and the player airplane icon will optionally be changed to reflect this state. During loss of valid GPS signal, the map will stop attempting to follow the player airplane, and the player airplane icon will be hidden.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
gduIndex | number | The index of the GDU from which the map sources data. |
gduSettingManager | UserSettingManager <GduUserSettingTypes > | A manager for GDU user settings. |
airplaneIconSrc? | MutableSubscribable <string , string > | A mutable subscribable which controls the player airplane icon's image source URI. Required for this controller to change the player airplane icon. |
airplaneIconAnchor? | MutableSubscribable <Readonly <Omit <Float64Array , "set" | "sort" | "copyWithin" >>, Readonly <Omit <Float64Array , "set" | "sort" | "copyWithin" >>> | A mutable subscribable which controls the anchor point of the player airplane icon. Required for this controller to change the player airplane icon. |
normalIconSrc? | string | Subscribable <string > | The URI of the normal player airplane icon's image source, or a subscribable which provides it. Required for the player airplane icon to change during loss of valid heading information. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ dragPan<MapBuilder
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map with drag-to-pan support. Activating drag-to-pan allows the user to control map panning by dragging the map and stops the map from actively rotating.
If map target, orientation, or rotation control resource moderators exist on the map context, the panning RTR
controller will attempt to claim those resources with a priority of 100
. Otherwise, the controller assumes
nothing else controls the map target or rotation.
Adds the following...
[GarminMapKeys.Panning]: MapPanningModule
[G3XMapKeys.DragPan]: MapDragPanModule
[GarminMapKeys.PanningRTR]: MapPanningRTRController
[G3XMapKeys.DragPan]: MapDragPanController
(can be used to control the behavior of drag-to-pan)[G3XMapKeys.DragPanRTR]: MapDragPanRTRController
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , MapPanningRTRControllerContext > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ miniCompass<MapBuilder
, supportOrientationToggle?
, order?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which displays a miniature compass.
Adds the layer GarminMapKeys.MiniCompass: G3XMapMiniCompassLayer
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
supportOrientationToggle? | boolean | Whether the compass should support the orientation toggle feature. If defined, then the compass will function as a touchscreen button. If not defined, then the compass will not function as a button. The orientation toggle feature requires the following modules: [GarminMapKeys.Orientation]: MapOrientationModule [G3XMapKeys.OrientationOverride]: MapOrientationOverrideModule Defaults to false . |
order? | number | The order to assign to the mini-compass layer. Layers with lower assigned order will be attached to the map before and appear below layers with greater assigned order values. Defaults to the number of layers already added to the map builder. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ nexrad<MapBuilder
, minRangeIndex?
, settingManager?
, colors?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which supports NEXRAD, and optionally binds the display of NEXRAD to user settings.
Requires the module [MapSystemKeys.Weather]: MapWxrModule
Adds the following...
[GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapIndexedRangeModule
[GarminMapKeys.Nexrad]: MapNexradModule
[MapSystemKeys.Weather]: MapWxrController
[GarminMapKeys.Nexrad]: G3XMapNexradController
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <{ weather : MapWxrModule }, any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | undefined | The map builder to configure. |
minRangeIndex | number | 0 | The minimum range index, inclusive, at which NEXRAD is visible. Defaults to 0 . |
settingManager? | UserSettingManager <Partial <G3XMapNexradUserSettings >> | undefined | A user setting manager containing settings which control NEXRAD. If not defined, NEXRAD will not be controlled by user settings. |
colors? | readonly readonly [number , number ][] | undefined | The color array for the NEXRAD overlay. If not defined, default colors will be applied. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ orientation<MapBuilder
, projectedRange
, nominalTargetOffsets?
, settingManager?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which supports different orientations, as enumerated by MapOrientation. Each orientation defines a different rotation behavior and target offset.
Adds the following...
Context properties:
[MapSystemKeys.RotationControl]: ResourceModerator<void>
[GarminMapKeys.OrientationControl]: ResourceModerator<void>
[GarminMapKeys.DesiredOrientationControl]: ResourceModerator<void>
[MapSystemKeys.Rotation]: MapRotationModule
[GarminMapKeys.Orientation]: MapOrientationModule
[GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapIndexedRangeModule
[MapSystemKeys.OwnAirplaneProps]: MapOwnAirplanePropsModule
[G3XMapKeys.RangeEndpoints]: MapRangeEndpointsController
[MapSystemKeys.Rotation]: MapRotationController
[GarminMapKeys.OrientationRTR]: MapOrientationRTRController
[GarminMapKeys.Orientation]: G3XMapOrientationModeController
[GarminMapKeys.DesiredOrientation]: MapDesiredOrientationController
[GarminMapKeys.OrientationSettings]: MapOrientationSettingsController
(only with user setting support)
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
projectedRange | number | Subscribable <number > | The projected scale of the map's nominal range, in pixels. |
nominalTargetOffsets? | Partial <Record <MapOrientation , Readonly <Omit <Float64Array , "set" | "sort" | "copyWithin" >> | Subscribable <Readonly <Omit <Float64Array , "set" | "sort" | "copyWithin" >>>>> | The nominal projected target offsets defined by each orientation. Each target offset is a 2-tuple [x, y] , where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. If an orientation does not have a defined offset, it will default to [0, 0] . |
settingManager? | UserSettingManager <Partial <MapOrientationSettingsControllerSettings >> | A setting manager containing user settings used to control the map orientation. If not defined, map orientation will not be bound to user settings. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ orientationOverride<MapBuilder
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which supports different orientations, as enumerated by MapOrientation. Each orientation defines a different rotation behavior and target offset.
Adds the module [G3XMapKeys.OrientationOverride]: MapOrientationOverrideModule
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ trackVector<MapBuilder
, options
, settingManager?
, order?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map with a track vector, and optionally binds the display options of the vector to user settings.
Adds the following...
[GarminMapKeys.TrackVector]: G3XMapTrackVectorModule
[GarminMapKeys.TrackVector]: G3XMapTrackVectorLayer
[GarminMapKeys.TrackVector]: G3XMapTrackVectorController
(only if user settings are supported)
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <Omit <G3XMapTrackVectorLayerModules , "trackVector" >, any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | TrackVectorOptions | Options for the track vector. |
settingManager? | UserSettingManager <Partial <G3XMapTrackVectorUserSettings >> | A setting manager containing user settings used to control the track vector. If not defined, the track vector will not be bound to user settings. |
order? | number | The order to assign to the track vector layer. Layers with lower assigned order will be attached to the map before and appear below layers with greater assigned order values. Defaults to the number of layers already added to the map builder. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ waypoints<MapBuilder
, configure
, supportRunwayOutlines
, settingManager?
, order?
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a map which supports the display of waypoints located within the boundaries
of the map's projected window. Waypoints displayed in this manner are rendered by a MapWaypointRenderer
the role MapWaypointRenderRole.Normal
. Optionally binds the visibility of waypoints to user settings.
If a text layer has already been added to the builder, its order will be changed so that it is rendered above the waypoint layer. Otherwise, a text layer will be added to the builder after the waypoint layer.
Adds the following...
Context properties:
[MapSystemKeys.TextManager]: MapCullableTextLabelManager
[MapSystemKeys.WaypointRenderer]: MapWaypointRenderer
[GarminMapKeys.WaypointDisplayBuilder]: MapWaypointDisplayBuilder
[MapSystemKeys.NearestWaypoints]: MapWaypointsModule
[G3XMapKeys.LabelText]: G3XMapLabelTextModule
[GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapIndexedRangeModule
(only if user settings are supported)
[MapSystemKeys.NearestWaypoints]: MapWaypointsLayer
[MapSystemKeys.TextLayer]: MapCullableTextLayer
[MapSystemKeys.WaypointRenderer]: MapSystemCustomController
(handles initialization and updating of the waypoint renderer)[GarminMapKeys.WaypointsVisibility]: MapWaypointsVisController
(only if user settings are supported)[GarminMapKeys.RunwayVisibility]: MapSymbolVisController
(only if runway outlines are supported)[GarminMapKeys.RunwayLabelVisibility]: MapSymbolVisController
(only if runway outlines are supported)[G3XMapKeys.WaypointLabelText]: MapWaypointLabelTextController
(only if user settings are supported)
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
configure | (builder : MapWaypointDisplayBuilder , context : MapSystemContext <any , any , any , any >) => void | A function used to configure the display and styling of waypoint icons and labels. |
supportRunwayOutlines | boolean | Whether to support the rendering of airport runway outlines. |
settingManager? | UserSettingManager <Partial <MapWaypointVisUserSettings & Pick <G3XMapUserSettingTypes , "mapRunwayLabelRangeIndex" > & MapWaypointLabelTextUserSettings >> | A setting manager containing the user settings controlling waypoint visibility and label text. If not defined, waypoint visibility and label text will not be bound to user settings. |
order? | number | The order to assign to the waypoint layer. Layers with lower assigned order will be attached to the map before and appear below layers with greater assigned order values. Defaults to the number of layers already added to the map builder. |
The map builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in