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Summary view


The summary view displays all modules (binaries) and functions that have profile data in the trace, making it easy to identify the functions where most time is spent — otherwise known as application hotspots.

Profiling UI screenshot

The view has three parts:

  • a toolbar at the top, with action buttons and the Search input box.
  • the Modules panel on the left side. Its visibility can be toggled using the Modules button in the toolbar.
  • the list of functions from either the entire trace or filtered to display only the functions part of a single module. By default, the list is sorted by self (exclusive) time in descending order.
Modules list

The modules list has an entry for each module with profile data and starts with an All entry representing all modules combined.

Each entry has the module name, total (inclusive) execution time percentage relative to the entire trace and the time value, with a background color based on its name.

Modules are sorted by their execution time in descending order. By default, the All entry is active and the function list displays all functions with profile data in the trace.

Double-click a module (or press the Return key) to display only its functions. Selecting a module while the All entry is active selects its functions in the list.

Functions list

The function list has an entry for each function with profile data. Each entry has:

  • the demangled (undecorated) function name.
  • module name, a background color based on its name.
  • self (exclusive) execution time percentage relative to the entire trace and the time value.
  • total (inclusive) execution time percentage relative to the entire trace and the time value.
  • optionally, the mangled (decorated) function name, configurable in the Summary options.

If CPU performance counters are found and loaded from the trace, the additional columns with metrics and the counters are appended after the last column.

The list is filtered based on the active module. The function list is by default sorted by the self (exclusive) execution time in decreasing sorting order. The displayed columns and style can be customized in the Summary options.

Click the same column header to toggle between decreasing and increasing sorting order.
Click on a column to sort the list based on its values.


The same sorting actions apply to other list views in the application. Not all list views support sorting currently.

The columns in all list views can be resized and reorder. The new layout is saved across sessions when closing the application.

If marking of functions based on name or module is active, the function entries use the matching marking background color.

Hovering over a function displays a popup with the slowest stack trace (call path) ending at the function instance with most execution time. Pin or drag the popup to keep it open.
Profiling UI screenshot

View interaction

Button Description
If enabled, selecting a function also selects it in the other profiling views.
If enabled, selecting a function also displays the source in the Source File view, with the source lines annotated with profiling data.
Export Export the current function list into one of multiple formats (Excel, HTML and Markdown) or copy to clipboard the function list as a HTML/Markdown table.
Search box Search for functions with a specific name using a case-insensitive substring search. Searching filters the list down to display only the matching entries. Press the Escape key to reset the search or the X button next to the input box.
Scrolls up the list to the start (equivalent to pressing Ctrl+Home).
Mouse shortcuts
Action Description
Hover Hovering over a function displays a popup with the stack trace (call path) end with the slowest function's instance. Pin or drag the popup to keep it open.
Click Selects the function in the other views if Sync is enabled in the toolbar and displays the source in the Source File view if Source is enabled in the toolbar.
Double-click Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in the active tab.
Ctrl+Double-click Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in a new tab.
Right-click Shows the context menu for the selected functions.


When multiple functions are selected, the application status bar displays the sum of their execution time as a percentage and value.

Keyboard shortcuts
Keys Description
Return Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in the active tab.
Ctrl+Return Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in a new tab.
Ctrl+Left Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in a new tab docked to the left of the active tab.
Ctrl+Right Opens the Assembly view of the selected function in a new tab docked to the right of the active tab.
Alt+Return Opens a preview popup with the assembly of the selected function. Press the Escape key to close the popup.

Multiple preview popups can be can be kept open at the same time.
Ctrl+C Copies to clipboard a HTML and Markdown table with a summary of the selected functions.
Ctrl+Shift+C Copies to clipboard the function names of the selected functions.
Ctrl+Alt+C Copies to clipboard the mangled/decorated function names of the selected functions.
Right-click context menu

Profiling UI screenshot

Exporting the function list

The current function list can be exported and saved into multiple formats, with the slowest functions marked using a similar style as in the application:

  • Excel worksheet (*.xlsx)
    Profiling UI screenshot
  • HTML table (*.html)
    Profiling UI screenshot
  • Markdown table (*.md)
    Profiling UI screenshot

The Export menu in the toolbar also has an option to copy to the clipboard the current function list as an HTML/Markdown table (pasting in an application supporting HTML - such as the Microsoft Office suite and online editors - will use the HTML version, code/text editors will use Markdown version instead).  

The Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut copies to the clipboard only the selected functions as a HTML/Markdown table.

View options

Click on the Gears icon in the top-right part of the view displays the options panel (alternatively, use the Summary tab in the application Settings window.).

The tabs below describe each page of the options panel:

More documentation in progress

  • Context menu
  • Marking functions
  • Options