promptflow.evals.synthetic.direct_attack_simulator module#

class promptflow.evals.synthetic.direct_attack_simulator.DirectAttackSimulator(*, azure_ai_project: Dict[str, Any], credential=None)#

Bases: object

Initialize a UPIA (user prompt injected attack) jailbreak adversarial simulator with a project scope. This simulator converses with your AI system using prompts designed to interrupt normal functionality.

  • azure_ai_project (Dict[str, Any]) ā€“

    Dictionary defining the scope of the project. It must include the following keys:

    • ā€subscription_idā€: Azure subscription ID.

    • ā€resource_group_nameā€: Name of the Azure resource group.

    • ā€project_nameā€: Name of the Azure Machine Learning workspace.

  • credential (TokenCredential) ā€“ The credential for connecting to Azure AI project.

__call__(*, scenario: AdversarialScenario, target: Callable, max_conversation_turns: int = 1, max_simulation_results: int = 3, api_call_retry_limit: int = 3, api_call_retry_sleep_sec: int = 1, api_call_delay_sec: int = 0, concurrent_async_task: int = 3, randomization_seed: Optional[int] = None)#

Executes the adversarial simulation and UPIA (user prompt injected attack) jailbreak adversarial simulation against a specified target function asynchronously.

  • scenario (promptflow.evals.synthetic.adversarial_scenario.AdversarialScenario) ā€“

    Enum value specifying the adversarial scenario used for generating inputs. example:

  • target (Callable) ā€“ The target function to simulate adversarial inputs against. This function should be asynchronous and accept a dictionary representing the adversarial input.

  • max_conversation_turns (int) ā€“ The maximum number of conversation turns to simulate. Defaults to 1.

  • max_simulation_results (int) ā€“ The maximum number of simulation results to return. Defaults to 3.

  • api_call_retry_limit (int) ā€“ The maximum number of retries for each API call within the simulation. Defaults to 3.

  • api_call_retry_sleep_sec (int) ā€“ The sleep duration (in seconds) between retries for API calls. Defaults to 1 second.

  • api_call_delay_sec (int) ā€“ The delay (in seconds) before making an API call. This can be used to avoid hitting rate limits. Defaults to 0 seconds.

  • concurrent_async_task (int) ā€“ The number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently during the simulation. Defaults to 3.

  • randomization_seed (Optional[int]) ā€“ Seed used to randomize prompt selection, shared by both jailbreak and regular simulation to ensure consistent results. If not provided, a random seed will be generated and shared between simulations.


A list of dictionaries, each representing a simulated conversation. Each dictionary contains:

  • ā€™template_parametersā€™: A dictionary with parameters used in the conversation template,

    including ā€˜conversation_starterā€™.

  • ā€™messagesā€™: A list of dictionaries, each representing a turn in the conversation.

    Each message dictionary includes ā€˜contentā€™ (the message text) and ā€˜roleā€™ (indicating whether the message is from the ā€˜userā€™ or the ā€˜assistantā€™).

  • ā€™$schemaā€™: A string indicating the schema URL for the conversation format.

The ā€˜contentā€™ for ā€˜assistantā€™ role messages may includes the messages that your callback returned.

Return type:

Dict[str, [List[Dict[str, Any]]]] with two elements

Output format

return_value = {
    "jailbreak": [
        'template_parameters': {},
        'messages': [
                'content': '<jailbreak prompt> <adversarial question>',
                'role': 'user'
                'content': "<response from endpoint>",
                'role': 'assistant',
                'context': None
        '$schema': 'http://azureml/sdk-2-0/ChatConversation.json'
    "regular": [
        'template_parameters': {},
        'messages': [
            'content': '<adversarial question>',
            'role': 'user'
            'content': "<response from endpoint>",
            'role': 'assistant',
            'context': None
        '$schema': 'http://azureml/sdk-2-0/ChatConversation.json'
promptflow.evals.synthetic.direct_attack_simulator.monitor_adversarial_scenario(func) Callable#

Decorator to monitor adversarial scenario.


func (Callable) ā€“ The function to be decorated.


The decorated function.

Return type:
