Loan ChargeOff Prediction

SQL Database Tables

Below are the different data sets that you will find in your database after deployment.

Table Description
Loan_chargeoff_eval_score_10k Table that stores the model score and prediction probability
Loan_chargeoff_models_10k Outlines various models and their respective performance scores
Loan_chargeoff_prediction_10k table that stores the prediction score and probability from scoring result
Loan_chargeoff_score Table that stores the loan information and prediction result from the scoring exercise
Loan_chargeoff_test Table that stores the loan and prediction result from testing exercise
Loan_chargeoff_train Table that stores the loan and prediction result from training exercise
Loan_info_10k Raw data about loan information
Member_info_10k Raw data about member information
Payments_info_10k Raw data about payments information
Selected_features_10k Table that stores the features ran in feature selection step