Loan ChargeOff Prediction

For the Database Analyst - Operationalize with SQL

SQL Server ML Services takes advantage of the power of SQL Server and RevoScaleR (Microsoft ML Server package) by allowing R to run on the same server as the database. It includes a database service that runs outside the SQL Server process and communicates securely with the R runtime. This allows the application analyst to use the power of SQL Server to build advanced analytics application.

With the simulated data and R scripts contained in this solution, application analyst is able to use SQL Server 2017 to evaluate the solution end to end, including the steps needed to deploy machine learning model in SQL Server and consumed by business application. This template deploys a Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) that has SQL Server 2017 with Microsoft ML Server installed.

For businesses that prefer an on-prem solution, the implementation with SQL Server ML Services is a great option, which takes advantage of the power of SQL Server and RevoScaleR (Microsoft ML Server). In this template, we implemented all steps in SQL stored procedures: data preprocessing, and feature engineering are implemented in pure SQL, while data cleaning, and the model training, scoring and evaluation steps are implemented with SQL stored procedures calling R (Microsoft ML Server) code.

All the steps can be executed on SQL Server client environment (SQL Server Management Studio). We provide a Windows PowerShell script which invokes the SQL scripts and demonstrates the end-to-end modeling process.

System Requirements

The following are required to run the scripts in this solution:


Workflow Automation

Follow the PowerShell instructions to execute all the scripts described below. Click here to view the details all tables created in this solution.

Step 1: Creating Tables

The following data are provided in the D:\LoanChargeOffSolution\Data directory:

File Description
loan_info_10k.csv Raw data about loan and loan details
member_info_10k.csv Raw demographics and financial data about each customer
payments_info_10k.csv Raw data about loan payment history

In this step, we create six tables: member_info_10k, loan_info_10k, payment_info_10k, loan_chargeoff_models_10k, selected_features_10k and loan_chargeoff_prediction_10k in a SQL Server database, and the data is uploaded to these tables using bcp command in the PowerShell script.


  • Raw data: loan_info_10k.csv, member_info_10k.csv, and payments_info_10k.csv


  • 6 Tables filled with the raw data: member_info_10k, loan_info_10k, payment_info_10k, loan_chargeoff_models_10k, selected_features_10k and loan_chargeoff_prediction_10k. In order for them to be filled with the data, power shell script named Loan_ChargeOff.ps1 should be run
  • step1_create_tables.sql

Step 2: Creating Views with Features and Labels

In this step, we create 3 views for training, testing, and scoring by selecting features and assign with labels from payments_info and joined with loan_info and member_info table using payment_date as the criterion.

Views Description
vw_loan_chargeoff_train_10k For training, we select features from the table joints with payment date between '2016-09-12' and '2016-12-12' and charge_off status = 1 or (payment_date = '2017-01-12')
vw_loan_chargeoff_test_10k For testing, we create view from the joined tables with payment date = '2017-02-12'
vw_loan_chargeoff_score_10k For scoring, we create view from the joined tables with the payment date > '2017-02-12'

These three views will get persisted in tables to get faster scoring results.


  • 3 Tables filled with the raw data: member_info_10k, loan_info_10k, payment_info_10k


  • 3 Views created: vw_loan_chargeoff_train_10k, vw_loan_chargeoff_test_10k and vw_loan_chargeoff_score_10k
  • 3 tables created: loan_chargeoff_train_10k, loan_chargeoff_test_10k and loan_chargeoff_score_10k
  • step2_features_label_view.sql

Step 2a (optional): Demonstrate feature selection using MicrosoftML package

In this step, we create a table [dbo].[selected_features] that stores the feature names from feature selection using MicrosoftML package:

  • Select features from training_set
  • Remove biased features like memberId, loanId, payment_date, loan_open_date and charge_off
  • Demonstrate feature selection using logistic regression model
  • Store selected features in a table.


  • Enter [Training_set_table] as parameter
  • Enter [Test_set_table] as parameter
  • Enter [selected_features_table] as parameter
  • Enter [connectionString] as parameter


  • Selected_features_10k table containing features that are selected by applying categorical and selectFeatures transforms from MicrosoftML package.
  • Loan_ChargeOff.ps1
  • step2a_optional_feature_selection.sql

Step 3: Training and Testing Model

In this step, we create a stored procedure for training of models using MicrosoftML algorithms. This also evaluates the models and stores the model stats along with serialized model binary, accuracy, auc, precision, recall, f1score. We will be using 5 algorithms to train :

  • rxLogisticRegression
  • rxFastTrees
  • rxFastForest
  • rxFastLinear
  • rxNeuralNet

The performance result from each of this model will get stored in Loan_chargeoff_models_10k table.


  • Loan_chargeoff_train_10k table.


  • Loan_chargeoff_models_10k table containing model name, auc, accuracy, precision, recall and f1score
  • step3_train_test_model.sql

Step 4: Chargeoff Prediction (batch)

In this step, we create a stored procedure [dbo].[chargeoff_batch_prediction] that do scoring using best model on the data split created in Step 2 and store the predictions in [dbo].[loan_chargeoff_prediction_10k] table.


  • loan_chargeoff_score_10k table


  • [dbo].[loan_chargeoff_prediction_10k] table
  • Chargeoff_batch_prediction.sql

Step 4a: Chargeoff OnDemand

In this step, the business application can call this stored procedure for adhoc scoring scenario. predict_chargeoff_ondemand stored procedure is created for ad-hoc scoring wherein it can be called with a single record and a single prediction result is returned to the caller.


  • Please see input parameters in predict_chargeoff_ondemand stored procedure


  • LoanId, Payment_date, predicatedLabel, Score.1, Probability.1 table containing the RF and GBT trained models.
  • Predict_chargeoff_ondemand.sql