
Decorates a function as an action creator which also dispatches the action message after creating it.


action<T>(actionType, [target])


  • T (type parameter): An interface describing the shape of the action message to create.
  • actionType (string): A string which identifies the type of the action.
  • target ((...) => T): Optional. A function which creates and returns an action message.

Return value

  • ((...) => T): An action creator.


let addTodo = action(
    (text: string) => ({ text: text }));

// This creates AND dispatches the ADD_TODO action message
addTodo('Take out trash');


  • Typically the type of the action message (T) is inferred from the return type of target, so it is not necessary to explicitly supply it.
  • Do not include the type property on the created action message. It will automatically be set by the action creator.
  • If the target is absent the action creator will create an action message with no properties (except the type property).

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