
Selectors are functions that retrieve and possibly transform data from the store. Because of the benefits of using selectors, even the createStore() API returns a selector of the store itself. A simple selector might look like the following:

import getStore from './store';

export function getFullName() {
    const store = getStore();
    return store.firstName + ' ' + store.lastName;

Why use selectors?

  • Selectors reduce duplication of common utility code for accessing the store.

  • Selectors are easy to mock in tests because they are simple functions (e.g. with something like Jasmine's spyOn API). This is much simpler than mocking the store object itself.

  • Factoring store access into selectors allows you to unit test data retrieval independently of data consumption.

  • Selectors are highly composable since they're just simple functions.

  • Perhaps the biggest benefit selectors provide is the flexibility to allow the store to model the fundemantal state of the app. In the above example, the fundamental state includes firstName and lastName. It would be possible to also store a fullName property, but that would be redundant because it is made up of the other two. Selectors allow you to derive the data you need on demand when rendering your UI.

Tips and Tricks

  • Think of selectors as a public interface on top of the private store. Selectors should be called from views, mutators, orchestrators, or even other higher-level selectors. Note that the createStore API doesn't actually return the store itself, it returns a getStore selector.

  • Don't worry about recomputing the value of a selector over and over. Typically the perf cost of this is negligible. However, if it's necessary to optimize this you can consider wrapping your selector in a MobX computed.

  • Selectors can take parameters. For example:

    function getFullName(id: string) {
        const person = getStore().people.get(id);
        return person.firstName + ' ' + person.lastName;

    Pro-tip: avoid passing an entire subtree of the store into a selector.

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