
Satchel is built on top of MobX, which greatly simplifies state management and how that state gets reflected in the view. However, MobX does have a few gotchas, so it's worth acquainting yourself with the documentation, especially the pitfalls and best practices secion. A few highlights:

  • MobX cannot observe new properties being added to an object. You should always initialize all your store properties, even if it is just to null. By the same token, if you need a dictionary you should use a map type.

  • Only dereference store values in the component where they are actually needed. This allows MobX to accurately track what needs to be rerendered when the value changes.

  • Consider using computed on selector functions. This has two major benefits: it avoids recomputing a value if none of the underlying data has changed, and if the underlying data does change but the resultant value is the same, it avoids rerendering any view that depends on that value.

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