
Registers a function as a mutator.


mutator(actionCreator, target)


  • actionCreator (ActionCreator): The action creator of the action to subscribe to.
  • target ((ActionMessage) => void): The function to register as a mutator.

Return value

  • ((ActionMessage) => void): The target function.


let addTodo = actionCreator(
    (text: string) => ({ text: text }));

mutator(addTodo, (actionMessage) => {
        id: Math.random(),
        text: actionMessage.text


  • The target function gets called whenever an action of the subscribed type is dispatched.
  • Mutators are responsible for modifying the store in response to actions. They should not dispatch other actions or have any other side effects.
  • Note that a mutator is registered to an action by passing that action's action creator as the first argument. This is a little unusual, but convenient because it allows TypeScript to infer the type of the action message.
  • For convenience, mutator returns target. While you don't need to export a mutator function, it may be convenient to do so for testing purposes.

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