Source code for ccf.ledger

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

import io
import struct
import os
from enum import Enum

from typing import BinaryIO, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Dict, List

import json
import base64
from dataclasses import dataclass

from cryptography.x509 import load_pem_x509_certificate
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import utils, ec

from ccf.merkletree import MerkleTree
from ccf.tx_id import TxID
from ccf.cose import validate_cose_sign1
import ccf.receipt
from hashlib import sha256
import functools


# Public table names as defined in CCF
SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME = "public:ccf.internal.signatures"
COSE_SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME = "public:ccf.internal.cose_signatures"


# Key used by CCF to record single-key tables
WELL_KNOWN_SINGLETON_TABLE_KEY = bytes(bytearray(8))

class NodeStatus(Enum):
    PENDING = "Pending"
    TRUSTED = "Trusted"
    RETIRED = "Retired"

class EntryType(Enum):
    WRITE_SET = 0
    SNAPSHOT = 1

    def has_claims(self):
        return self in (

    def has_commit_evidence(self):
        return self in (

    def is_deprecated(self):
        return self in (

def to_uint_64(buffer):
    return struct.unpack("@Q", buffer)[0]

def is_ledger_chunk_committed(file_name):
    return file_name.endswith(COMMITTED_FILE_SUFFIX)

def digest(algo, data):
    h = hashes.Hash(algo)
    return h.finalize()

def unpack(stream, fmt):
    size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    buf =
    if not buf:
        raise EOFError  # Reached end of stream
    return struct.unpack(fmt, buf)[0]

def unpack_array(stream, fmt, length):
    buf =
    if not buf:
        raise EOFError  # Reached end of stream
    unpack_iter = struct.iter_unpack(fmt, buf)
    ret = []
    while True:
        except StopIteration:
    return ret

def range_from_filename(filename: str) -> Tuple[int, Optional[int]]:
    elements = (
        .replace(COMMITTED_FILE_SUFFIX, "")
        .replace(RECOVERY_FILE_SUFFIX, "")
        .replace("ledger_", "")
    if len(elements) == 2:
        return (int(elements[0]), int(elements[1]))
    elif len(elements) == 1:
        return (int(elements[0]), None)
        raise ValueError(f"Could not read seqno range from ledger file {filename}")

class GcmHeader:
    _gcm_tag = ["\0"] * GCM_SIZE_TAG
    _gcm_iv = ["\0"] * GCM_SIZE_IV

    view: int
    seqno: int

    def __init__(self, buffer):
        if len(buffer) < GcmHeader.size():
            raise ValueError("Corrupt GCM header")
        self._gcm_tag = struct.unpack(f"@{GCM_SIZE_TAG}B", buffer[:GCM_SIZE_TAG])
        self._gcm_iv = struct.unpack(f"@{GCM_SIZE_IV}B", buffer[GCM_SIZE_TAG:])

        self.seqno = struct.unpack("@Q", bytes(self._gcm_iv[:8]))[0]
        self.view = struct.unpack("@I", bytes(self._gcm_iv[8:]))[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF

    def size():
        return GCM_SIZE_TAG + GCM_SIZE_IV

[docs]class PublicDomain: """ All public tables within a :py:class:`ccf.ledger.Transaction`. """ _buffer: io.BytesIO _buffer_size: int _entry_type: EntryType _claims_digest: bytes _version: int _max_conflict_version: int _tables: dict def __init__(self, buffer: io.BytesIO): self._buffer = buffer self._buffer_size = self._buffer.getbuffer().nbytes self._entry_type = self._read_entry_type() self._version = self._read_version() if self._entry_type.has_claims(): self._claims_digest = self._read_claims_digest() if self._entry_type.has_commit_evidence(): self._commit_evidence_digest = self._read_commit_evidence_digest() self._max_conflict_version = self._read_version() if self._entry_type == EntryType.SNAPSHOT: self._read_snapshot_header() self._tables = {} self._read() def is_deprecated(self): return self._entry_type.is_deprecated() def _read_entry_type(self): val = unpack(self._buffer, "<B") return EntryType(val) def _read_claims_digest(self): return def _read_commit_evidence_digest(self): return def _read_version(self): return unpack(self._buffer, "<q") def get_version_size(self): return struct.calcsize("<q") def _read_versioned_value(self, size): if size < self.get_version_size(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid versioned value of size {size}") return (self._read_version(), - self.get_version_size())) def _read_size(self): return unpack(self._buffer, "<Q") def _read_string(self): size = self._read_size() return def _read_next_entry(self): size = self._read_size() return def _read_snapshot_header(self): # read hash of entry at snapshot hash_size = self._read_size() buffer = unpack(self._buffer, f"<{hash_size}s") self._hash_at_snapshot = buffer.hex() # read view history view_history_size = self._read_size() self._view_history = unpack_array(self._buffer, "<Q", view_history_size) def _read_snapshot_entry_padding(self, size): padding = -size % 8 # Padded to 8 bytes def _read_snapshot_key(self): size = self._read_size() key = self._read_snapshot_entry_padding(size) return key def _read_snapshot_versioned_value(self): size = self._read_size() ver, value = self._read_versioned_value(size) if ver < 0: assert ( len(value) == 0 ), f"Expected empty value for tombstone deletion at {ver}" value = None self._read_snapshot_entry_padding(size) return value def _read(self): while True: try: map_name = self._read_string() except EOFError: break records = {} self._tables[map_name] = records if self._entry_type == EntryType.SNAPSHOT: # map snapshot version self._read_version() # size of map entry map_size = self._read_size() start_map_pos = self._buffer.tell() while self._buffer.tell() - start_map_pos < map_size: k = self._read_snapshot_key() val = self._read_snapshot_versioned_value() records[k] = val else: # read_version self._read_version() # read_count # Note: Read keys are not currently included in ledger transactions read_count = self._read_size() assert read_count == 0, f"Unexpected read count: {read_count}" write_count = self._read_size() if write_count: for _ in range(write_count): k = self._read_next_entry() val = self._read_next_entry() records[k] = val remove_count = self._read_size() if remove_count: for _ in range(remove_count): k = self._read_next_entry() records[k] = None
[docs] def get_tables(self) -> dict: """ Return a dictionary of all public tables (with their content) in a :py:class:`ccf.ledger.Transaction`. :return: Dictionary of public tables with their content. """ return self._tables
[docs] def get_seqno(self) -> int: """ Return the sequence number at which the transaction was recorded in the ledger. """ return self._version
[docs] def get_claims_digest(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Return the claims digest when there is one """ return self._claims_digest if self._entry_type.has_claims() else None
[docs] def get_commit_evidence_digest(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Return the commit evidence digest when there is one """ return ( self._commit_evidence_digest if self._entry_type.has_commit_evidence() else None )
def _byte_read_safe(file, num_of_bytes): offset = file.tell() ret = if len(ret) != num_of_bytes: raise ValueError( f"Failed to read precise number of bytes in {} at offset {offset}: {len(ret)}/{num_of_bytes}" ) return ret def _peek(file, num_bytes, pos=None): save_pos = file.tell() if pos is not None: buffer = _byte_read_safe(file, num_bytes) return buffer def _peek_all(file, pos=None): save_pos = file.tell() if pos is not None: buffer = return buffer class TxBundleInfo(NamedTuple): """Bundle for transaction information required for validation""" merkle_tree: MerkleTree existing_root: bytes node_cert: bytes signature: bytes node_activity: dict signing_node: str class LedgerValidator: """ Ledger Validator contains the logic to verify that the ledger hasn't been tampered with. It has the ability to take transactions and it maintains a MerkleTree data structure similar to CCF. Ledger is valid and hasn't been tampered with if following conditions are met: 1) The merkle proof is signed by a Trusted node in the given network 2) The merkle root and signature are verified with the node cert 3) The merkle proof is correct for each set of transactions """ accept_deprecated_entry_types: bool = True node_certificates: Dict[str, str] = {} node_activity_status: Dict[str, Tuple[str, int, bool]] = {} signature_count: int = 0 def __init__(self, accept_deprecated_entry_types: bool = True): self.accept_deprecated_entry_types = accept_deprecated_entry_types self.chosen_hash = ec.ECDSA(utils.Prehashed(hashes.SHA256())) # Start with empty bytes array. CCF MerkleTree uses an empty array as the first leaf of its merkle tree. # Don't hash empty bytes array. self.merkle = MerkleTree() empty_bytes_array = bytearray(hashes.SHA256.digest_size) self.merkle.add_leaf(empty_bytes_array, do_hash=False) self.last_verified_seqno = 0 self.last_verified_view = 0 self.service_status = None self.service_cert = None def last_verified_txid(self) -> TxID: return TxID(self.last_verified_view, self.last_verified_seqno) def add_transaction(self, transaction): """ To validate the ledger, ledger transactions need to be added via this method. Depending on the tables that were part of the transaction, it does different things. When transaction contains signature table, it starts the verification process and verifies that the root of merkle tree was signed by a node which was part of the network. It also matches the root of the merkle tree that this class maintains with the one extracted from the ledger. Further, it validates all service status transitions. If any of the above checks fail, this method throws. """ transaction_public_domain = transaction.get_public_domain() if not self.accept_deprecated_entry_types: assert not transaction_public_domain.is_deprecated() tables = transaction_public_domain.get_tables() # Add contributing nodes certs and update nodes network trust status for verification node_certs = {} if NODES_TABLE_NAME in tables: node_table = tables[NODES_TABLE_NAME] for node_id, node_info in node_table.items(): node_id = node_id.decode() if node_info is None: # Node has been removed from the store self.node_activity_status.pop(node_id) continue node_info = json.loads(node_info) # Add the self-signed node certificate (only available in 1.x, # refer to node endorsed certificates table otherwise) if "cert" in node_info: node_certs[node_id] = node_info["cert"].encode() self.node_certificates[node_id] = node_certs[node_id] # Update node trust status # Also record the seqno at which the node status changed to # track when a primary node should stop issuing signatures self.node_activity_status[node_id] = ( node_info["status"], transaction_public_domain.get_seqno(), node_info.get("retired_committed", False), ) if ENDORSED_NODE_CERTIFICATES_TABLE_NAME in tables: node_endorsed_certificates_tables = tables[ ENDORSED_NODE_CERTIFICATES_TABLE_NAME ] for ( node_id, endorsed_node_cert, ) in node_endorsed_certificates_tables.items(): node_id = node_id.decode() assert ( node_id not in node_certs ), f"Only one of node self-signed certificate and endorsed certificate should be recorded for node {node_id}" if endorsed_node_cert is None: # Node has been removed from the store self.node_certificates.pop(node_id) else: self.node_certificates[node_id] = endorsed_node_cert # This is a merkle root/signature tx if the table exists if SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME in tables: self.signature_count += 1 signature_table = tables[SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME] for _, signature in signature_table.items(): signature = json.loads(signature) current_seqno = signature["seqno"] current_view = signature["view"] signing_node = signature["node"] # Get binary representations for the cert, existing root, and signature cert = self.node_certificates[signing_node] existing_root = bytes.fromhex(signature["root"]) sig = base64.b64decode(signature["sig"]) tx_info = TxBundleInfo( self.merkle, existing_root, cert, sig, self.node_activity_status, signing_node, ) # validations for 1, 2 and 3 # throws if ledger validation failed. self._verify_tx_set(tx_info) self.last_verified_seqno = current_seqno self.last_verified_view = current_view # Check service status transitions if SERVICE_INFO_TABLE_NAME in tables: service_table = tables[SERVICE_INFO_TABLE_NAME] updated_service = service_table.get(WELL_KNOWN_SINGLETON_TABLE_KEY) updated_service_json = json.loads(updated_service) updated_status = updated_service_json["status"] if updated_status == "Opening": # DR can happen at any point, so a transition to "Opening" is always valid pass elif self.service_status == updated_status: pass elif self.service_status == "Opening": assert updated_status in [ "Open", "WaitingForRecoveryShares", ], updated_status elif self.service_status == "Recovering": assert updated_status in ["WaitingForRecoveryShares"], updated_status elif self.service_status == "WaitingForRecoveryShares": assert updated_status in ["Open"], updated_status elif self.service_status == "Open": assert updated_status in ["Recovering"], updated_status else: assert self.service_status is None, self.service_status self.service_status = updated_status self.service_cert = updated_service_json["cert"] if COSE_SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME in tables: cose_signature_table = tables[COSE_SIGNATURE_TX_TABLE_NAME] cose_signature = cose_signature_table.get(WELL_KNOWN_SINGLETON_TABLE_KEY) signature = json.loads(cose_signature) cose_sign1 = base64.b64decode(signature) self._verify_root_cose_signature(self.merkle.get_merkle_root(), cose_sign1) # Checks complete, add this transaction to tree self.merkle.add_leaf(transaction.get_tx_digest(), False) def _verify_tx_set(self, tx_info: TxBundleInfo): """ Verify items 1, 2, and 3 for all the transactions up until a signature. """ # 1) The merkle root is signed by a Trusted node in the given network, else throws self._verify_node_status(tx_info) # 2) The merkle root and signature are verified with the node cert, else throws self._verify_root_signature(tx_info) # 3) The merkle root is correct for the set of transactions and matches with the one extracted from the ledger, else throws self._verify_merkle_root(tx_info.merkle_tree, tx_info.existing_root) @staticmethod def _verify_node_status(tx_info: TxBundleInfo): """Verify item 1, The merkle root is signed by a valid node in the given network""" # Note: A retired primary will still issue signature transactions until # its retirement is committed node_info = tx_info.node_activity[tx_info.signing_node] node_status = NodeStatus(node_info[0]) if node_status not in ( NodeStatus.TRUSTED, NodeStatus.RETIRED, ) or (node_status == NodeStatus.RETIRED and node_info[2]): raise UntrustedNodeException( f"The signing node {tx_info.signing_node} has unexpected status {node_status.value}" ) def _verify_root_signature(self, tx_info: TxBundleInfo): """Verify item 2, that the Merkle root signature validates against the node certificate""" try: cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(tx_info.node_cert, default_backend()) pub_key = cert.public_key() assert isinstance(pub_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey) pub_key.verify( tx_info.signature, tx_info.existing_root, self.chosen_hash ) # type: ignore[override] # This exception is thrown from x509, catch for logging and raise our own except InvalidSignature: raise InvalidRootSignatureException( "Signature verification failed:" + f"\nCertificate: {tx_info.node_cert.decode()}" + f"\nSignature: {base64.b64encode(tx_info.signature).decode()}" + f"\nRoot: {tx_info.existing_root.hex()}" ) from InvalidSignature def _verify_root_cose_signature(self, root, cose_sign1): try: cert = load_pem_x509_certificate( self.service_cert.encode("ascii"), default_backend() ) validate_cose_sign1( cose_sign1=cose_sign1, pubkey=cert.public_key(), payload=root ) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidRootCoseSignatureException( "Signature verification failed:" + f"\nCertificate: {self.service_cert}" + f"\nRoot: {root}" ) from exc def _verify_merkle_root(self, merkletree: MerkleTree, existing_root: bytes): """Verify item 3, by comparing the roots from the merkle tree that's maintained by this class and from the one extracted from the ledger""" root = merkletree.get_merkle_root() if root != existing_root: raise InvalidRootException( f"\nComputed root: {root.hex()} \nExisting root from ledger: {existing_root.hex()}" ) @dataclass class TransactionHeader: VERSION_LENGTH = 1 FLAGS_LENGTH = 1 SIZE_LENGTH = 6 # 1-byte entry version version: int # 1-byte flags flags: int # 6-byte transaction size size: int def __init__(self, buffer): if len(buffer) < TransactionHeader.get_size(): raise ValueError("Incomplete transaction header") self.version = int.from_bytes( buffer[: TransactionHeader.VERSION_LENGTH], byteorder="little" ) self.flags = int.from_bytes( buffer[ TransactionHeader.VERSION_LENGTH : TransactionHeader.VERSION_LENGTH + TransactionHeader.FLAGS_LENGTH ], byteorder="little", ) self.size = int.from_bytes( buffer[-TransactionHeader.SIZE_LENGTH :], byteorder="little" ) @staticmethod def get_size(): return ( TransactionHeader.VERSION_LENGTH + TransactionHeader.FLAGS_LENGTH + TransactionHeader.SIZE_LENGTH ) class Entry: _file: Optional[BinaryIO] = None _header: TransactionHeader _public_domain_size: int = 0 _public_domain: Optional[PublicDomain] = None _file_size: int = 0 gcm_header: Optional[GcmHeader] = None def __init__(self, filename: str): if type(self) is Entry: raise TypeError("Entry is not instantiable") self._file = open(filename, mode="rb") if self._file is None: raise RuntimeError(f"File {filename} could not be opened") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): self._file.close() def _read_header(self): # read the transaction header buffer = _byte_read_safe(self._file, TransactionHeader.get_size()) self._header = TransactionHeader(buffer) entry_start_pos = self._file.tell() # read the AES GCM header buffer = _byte_read_safe(self._file, GcmHeader.size()) self.gcm_header = GcmHeader(buffer) # read the size of the public domain buffer = _byte_read_safe(self._file, LEDGER_DOMAIN_SIZE) self._public_domain_size = to_uint_64(buffer) return entry_start_pos def get_txid(self) -> str: assert self.gcm_header is not None return f"{self.gcm_header.view}.{self.gcm_header.seqno}" def get_public_domain(self) -> PublicDomain: """ Retrieve the public (i.e. non-encrypted) domain for that entry. Note: Even if the entry is private-only, an empty :py:class:`ccf.ledger.PublicDomain` object is returned. :return: :py:class:`ccf.ledger.PublicDomain` """ if self._public_domain is None: buffer = io.BytesIO(_byte_read_safe(self._file, self._public_domain_size)) self._public_domain = PublicDomain(buffer) return self._public_domain def get_private_domain_size(self) -> int: """ Retrieve the size of the private (i.e. encrypted) domain for that transaction. """ return self._header.size - ( GcmHeader.size() + LEDGER_DOMAIN_SIZE + self._public_domain_size ) def get_transaction_header(self) -> TransactionHeader: return self._header
[docs]class Transaction(Entry): """ A transaction represents one entry in the CCF ledger. """ _next_offset: int = LEDGER_HEADER_SIZE _tx_offset: int = 0 _ledger_validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None _dgst = functools.partial(digest, hashes.SHA256()) def __init__( self, filename: str, ledger_validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None ): super().__init__(filename) self._ledger_validator = ledger_validator self._pos_offset = int.from_bytes( _byte_read_safe(self._file, LEDGER_HEADER_SIZE), byteorder="little" ) # If the ledger chunk is not yet committed, the ledger header will be empty. # Default to reading the file size instead. self._file_size = ( self._pos_offset if self._pos_offset > 0 else os.path.getsize(filename) ) def _read_header(self): self._tx_offset = self._file.tell() super()._read_header() self._next_offset += self._header.size self._next_offset += TransactionHeader.get_size()
[docs] def get_raw_tx(self) -> bytes: """ Return raw transaction bytes. :return: Raw transaction bytes. """ assert self._file is not None return _peek( self._file, TransactionHeader.get_size() + self._header.size, pos=self._tx_offset, )
def get_len(self) -> int: return len(self.get_raw_tx()) def get_offsets(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return (self._tx_offset, self._next_offset) def get_write_set_digest(self) -> bytes: self._dgst = functools.partial(digest, hashes.SHA256()) return self._dgst(self.get_raw_tx()) def get_tx_digest(self) -> bytes: claims_digest = self.get_public_domain().get_claims_digest() commit_evidence_digest = self.get_public_domain().get_commit_evidence_digest() write_set_digest = self.get_write_set_digest() if claims_digest is None: if commit_evidence_digest is None: return write_set_digest else: return self._dgst(write_set_digest + commit_evidence_digest) else: assert ( commit_evidence_digest ), "Invalid transaction: commit_evidence_digest not set" return self._dgst(write_set_digest + commit_evidence_digest + claims_digest) def _complete_read(self):, 0) self._public_domain = None def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._next_offset == self._file_size: super().close() raise StopIteration() self._complete_read() self._read_header() # Adds every transaction to the ledger validator # LedgerValidator does verification for every added transaction # and throws when it finds any anomaly. if self._ledger_validator is not None: self._ledger_validator.add_transaction(self) return self
[docs]class Snapshot(Entry): """ Utility used to parse the content of a snapshot file. """ _filename: str def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__(filename) self._filename = filename self._file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) entry_start_pos = super()._read_header() # 1.x snapshots do not include evidence if self.is_committed() and not self.is_snapshot_file_1_x(): receipt_pos = entry_start_pos + self._header.size receipt_bytes = _peek_all(self._file, pos=receipt_pos) receipt = json.loads(receipt_bytes.decode("utf-8")) # Receipts included in snapshots always contain leaf components, # including a claims digest and commit evidence, from 2.0.0-rc0 onwards. # This verification code deliberately does not support snapshots # produced by 2.0.0-dev* releases. assert "leaf_components" in receipt write_set_digest = bytes.fromhex( receipt["leaf_components"]["write_set_digest"] ) claims_digest = bytes.fromhex(receipt["leaf_components"]["claims_digest"]) commit_evidence_digest = sha256( receipt["leaf_components"]["commit_evidence"].encode() ).digest() leaf = ( sha256(write_set_digest + commit_evidence_digest + claims_digest) .digest() .hex() ) root = ccf.receipt.root(leaf, receipt["proof"]) node_cert = load_pem_x509_certificate( receipt["cert"].encode(), default_backend() ) ccf.receipt.verify(root, receipt["signature"], node_cert) def is_committed(self): return COMMITTED_FILE_SUFFIX in self._filename def is_snapshot_file_1_x(self): # Kept here for compatibility if not self.is_committed(): raise ValueError(f"Snapshot file {self._filename} is not yet committed") return len(self._filename.split(COMMITTED_FILE_SUFFIX)[1]) != 0 def get_len(self) -> int: return self._file_size
[docs]class LedgerChunk: """ Class used to parse and iterate over :py:class:`ccf.ledger.Transaction` in a CCF ledger chunk. :param str name: Name for a single ledger chunk. :param LedgerValidator ledger_validator: :py:class:`LedgerValidator` instance used to verify ledger integrity. """ _current_tx: Transaction _filename: str _ledger_validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None def __init__(self, name: str, ledger_validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None): self._ledger_validator = ledger_validator self._current_tx = Transaction(name, ledger_validator) self._pos_offset = self._current_tx._pos_offset self._filename = name self.start_seqno, self.end_seqno = range_from_filename(name) def __next__(self) -> Transaction: return next(self._current_tx) def __iter__(self): return self def filename(self): return self._filename def is_committed(self): return is_ledger_chunk_committed(self._filename) def is_complete(self): return self._pos_offset > 0 def get_seqnos(self): return self.start_seqno, self.end_seqno
class LedgerIterator: _filenames: list _fileindex: int = -1 _current_chunk: LedgerChunk _validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None def __init__(self, filenames: list, validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None): self._filenames = filenames self._validator = validator def __next__(self) -> LedgerChunk: self._fileindex += 1 if len(self._filenames) > self._fileindex: self._current_chunk = LedgerChunk( self._filenames[self._fileindex], self._validator ) return self._current_chunk else: raise StopIteration def signature_count(self) -> int: return self._validator.signature_count if self._validator else 0 def last_verified_txid(self) -> Optional[TxID]: return self._validator.last_verified_txid() if self._validator else None
[docs]class Ledger: """ Class used to iterate over all :py:class:`ccf.ledger.LedgerChunk` stored in a CCF ledger folder. :param str name: Ledger directory for a single CCF node. """ _filenames: list _validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] def __init__( self, paths: List[str], committed_only: bool = True, read_recovery_files: bool = False, validator: Optional[LedgerValidator] = None, ): self._filenames = [] ledger_files: List[str] = [] def try_add_chunk(path): sanitised_path = path if path.endswith(RECOVERY_FILE_SUFFIX): sanitised_path = path[: -len(RECOVERY_FILE_SUFFIX)] if not read_recovery_files: return if path.endswith(IGNORED_FILE_SUFFIX): return if committed_only and not sanitised_path.endswith(COMMITTED_FILE_SUFFIX): return # The same ledger file may appear multiple times in different directories # so ignore duplicates if os.path.isfile(path) and not any( os.path.basename(path) in f for f in ledger_files ): ledger_files.append(path) for p in paths: if os.path.isdir(p): for path in os.listdir(p): chunk = os.path.join(p, path) try_add_chunk(chunk) elif os.path.isfile(p): try_add_chunk(p) else: raise ValueError(f"{p} is not a ledger directory or ledger chunk") # Sorts the list based off the first number after ledger_ so that # the ledger is verified in sequence self._filenames = sorted( ledger_files, key=lambda x: range_from_filename(x)[0], ) # If we do not have a single contiguous range, report an error for file_a, file_b in zip(self._filenames[:-1], self._filenames[1:]): range_a = range_from_filename(file_a) range_b = range_from_filename(file_b) if range_a[1] is None and range_b[1] is not None: raise ValueError( f"Ledger cannot parse committed chunk {file_b} following uncommitted chunk {file_a}" ) if validator and range_a[1] is not None and range_a[1] + 1 != range_b[0]: raise ValueError( f"Ledger cannot parse non-contiguous chunks {file_a} and {file_b}" ) self._validator = validator @property def last_committed_chunk_range(self) -> Tuple[int, Optional[int]]: last_chunk_name = self._filenames[-1] return range_from_filename(last_chunk_name) def __len__(self): return len(self._filenames) def __iter__(self): return LedgerIterator(self._filenames, self._validator) def transactions(self): for chunk in self: for transaction in chunk: yield transaction
[docs] def get_transaction(self, seqno: int) -> Transaction: """ Return the :py:class:`ccf.ledger.Transaction` recorded in the ledger at the given sequence number. Note that the transaction returned may not yet be verified by a signature transaction nor committed by the service. :param int seqno: Sequence number of the transaction to fetch. :return: :py:class:`ccf.ledger.Transaction` """ if seqno < 1: raise ValueError("Ledger first seqno is 1") transaction = None for chunk in self: _, chunk_end = chunk.get_seqnos() for tx in chunk: if chunk_end and chunk_end < seqno: continue public_transaction = tx.get_public_domain() if public_transaction.get_seqno() == seqno: return tx if transaction is None: raise UnknownTransaction( f"Transaction at seqno {seqno} does not exist in ledger" ) return transaction
[docs] def get_latest_public_state(self) -> Tuple[dict, int]: """ Return the current public state of the service. Note that the public state returned may not yet be verified by a signature transaction nor committed by the service. :return: Tuple[Dict, int]: Tuple containing a dictionary of public tables and their values and the seqno of the state read from the ledger. """ public_tables: Dict[str, Dict] = {} latest_seqno = 0 # If a transaction cannot be read (e.g. because it was only partially written to disk # before a crash), return public state so far. This is consistent with CCF's behaviour # which discards the incomplete transaction on recovery. try: for chunk in self: for tx in chunk: public_domain = tx.get_public_domain() latest_seqno = public_domain.get_seqno() for table_name, records in public_domain.get_tables().items(): if table_name in public_tables: public_tables[table_name].update(records) # Remove deleted keys public_tables[table_name] = { k: v for k, v in public_tables[table_name].items() if v is not None } else: public_tables[table_name] = records except Exception: print(f"Error reading ledger entry. Latest read seqno: {latest_seqno}") return public_tables, latest_seqno
def validator(self): return self._validator
class InvalidRootException(Exception): """MerkleTree root doesn't match with the root reported in the signature's table""" class InvalidRootSignatureException(Exception): """Signature of the MerkleRoot doesn't match with the signature that's reported in the signature's table""" class InvalidRootCoseSignatureException(Exception): """COSE signature of the MerkleRoot doesn't pass COSE verification""" class CommitIdRangeException(Exception): """Missing ledger chunk in the ledger directory""" class UntrustedNodeException(Exception): """The signing node wasn't part of the network""" class UnknownTransaction(Exception): """The transaction at seqno does not exist in ledger"""