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Creating offers in Partner Center

This learning path tours the different offer types in Partner Center and covers the different things that you must configure each.

Each offer type is represented, as is a module on sections in Partner Center that are common to all offer types.

  1. Providing information common to all offer types in Partner Center
  2. Creating SaaS offers in Partner Center
  3. Migrating a "Contact me" listing to a SaaS offer
  4. SaaS pricing in Partner Center for publishers
  5. Creating VM offers in Partner Center
  6. Creating Managed Application offers in Partner Center
  7. Handling multiple currencies for different markets

Providing information common to all offer types in Partner Center#


When you're setting up offers in Partner Center, some sections are shared by multiple offer types.

This video covers those sections and shows how to configure your offer in these sections. Subsequent videos in the Partner Center course will cover the sections of Partner Center that are unique to each offer type.

Creating SaaS offers in Partner Center#


This module walks through all the sections of Partner Center that you must complete to publish a SaaS offer.

If you're wondering about a specific part of filling out your SaaS offer for the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, this video will help you.

Migrating a "Contact me" listing to a SaaS offer#


You might have started your presence in the marketplace with a simple listing to advertise your product or services, but this doesn't create a transactable offer that can be sold through the marketplace.

This video shows how to convert your existing listing into a fully transactable SaaS offer.

SaaS pricing in Partner Center for publishers#


Pricing and billing options for SaaS offers are flexible and give publishers many options for how to bill and get paid for their solutions.

This video walks through the SaaS pricing models and gives real-world examples of how to use them effectively.

Creating VM offers in Partner Center#


See demos of filling out required information when you're creating VM offers in Partner Center.

This video walks through the offer sections that are specific to VM offers.

Creating Managed Application offers in Partner Center#


When you're working in Partner Center to set up a new Managed App offer, several sections of Partner Center require information.

This module covers the sections that apply to Managed Apps and details some of the configurations that many people have questions about.

Handling multiple currencies for different markets#


Plans have specific pricing and can be offered in many regions, some of which use different currencies.

This video walks through how to customize pricing in local currencies per selling region. For example, you might set the price in the US at one rate and the price in other regions for different amounts that are based on local currencies.