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Partner Center general topics

There's a lot to Partner Center, so it can be helpful to have basic knowledge to help you get around in the portal. This learning path provides that knowledge.

The content in this learning path is helpful to anyone who wants to use Partner Center to create and publish offers in the marketplace.

  1. Getting started with Partner Center
  2. Navigating Partner Center accounts and identifiers
  3. Verifying account details in Partner Center
  4. Setting up a tax profile in Partner Center
  5. Setting up a payout profile in Partner Center
  6. Role-based access control in Partner Center

Getting started with Partner Center#


The first thing that a marketplace publisher must do is register as a Microsoft partner and join the Microsoft commercial marketplace program. This provides access to marketplace offers in Partner Center, where partners work to publish their software solutions.

This module shows the most common partner registration flow, along with the first steps that partners will take in Partner Center to help make sure that it's set up appropriately.


Setting up and configuring Partner Center to best serve your organization's needs is paramount to both a good experience in the portal and ongoing involvement in the marketplace program.

This module covers scenarios that might be of interest to organizations who are configuring their Partner Center accounts or looking for identifiers in Partner Center that are commonly used in account management and support scenarios.

Understand PartnerOne accounts and identities, publishers and their associated IDs, and more.

Verifying account details in Partner Center#


When you enroll in a new partner program in Partner Center or change legal details in your profile, Microsoft verifies that the information that you provide is true and accurate.

This video provides an overview of account verification in Partner Center and guidance on how to resolve common issues that arise during account verification.

Setting up a tax profile in Partner Center#


In this module, we cover how to set up a tax profile in Partner Center for the commercial marketplace program and discuss how to resolve common issues that might arise.

Setting up a payout profile in Partner Center#


In this module, we cover how to set up a payout profile in Partner Center for the commercial marketplace program and discuss how to resolve common issues that might arise.

Role-based access control in Partner Center#


This video provides a comprehensive overview of how RBAC functions within Partner Center.

Learn fundamental concepts of RBAC, including how permissions are assigned to different roles within Partner Center to regulate access to resources, and common RBAC scenarios to easily guide partners with assigning appropriate roles.