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Keywords AI


Keywords AI is a unified developer platform where you can call 150+ LLM using the OpenAI format with one API key and get insights into your AI products. With 2 lines of code, you can build better AI products with complete observability.

  1. Sign in Keywords AI and generate an API key to call 150+ LLMs.

The full list of supported models by Keywords AI can be found in the page.

  1. Add the following content to your taskweaver_config.json file:
"llm.api_base": "",
"llm.api_key": "Your_Keywords_AI_API_Key",
"llm.model": "gpt-4o",

If the configuration does not work, please refer to Keywords AI documents to locally test whether you can send requests to the LLM.

  1. Open a new terminal, start TaskWeaver and chat. You can refer to the Quick Start for more details.

  2. Suppose you want your AI products to be more robust and have better observability, such as having fallback models when primary models fail or knowing more about user activities. In that case, you can add parameters like fallback_models and customer_identifier in the extra_body param from OpenAI.