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Customized LLM API

We welcome developers to use your customized LLM API in TaskWeaver. In this tutorial, we will show you how to contribute your LLM API to TaskWeaver.

  1. Create a new Python script <your_LLM_name>.py in the taskweaver/llm folder.
  2. Import the CompletionService, LLMServiceConfig and EmbeddingService from taskweaver.llm.base and other necessary libraries.
from injector import inject
from taskweaver.llm.base import CompletionService, EmbeddingService, LLMServiceConfig
from taskweaver.llm.util import ChatMessageType
  1. Create a new class YourLLMServiceConfig that inherits from LLMServiceConfig and implements the _configure method. In this method, you can set the name, API key, model name, backup model name, and embedding model name of your LLM.
class YourLLMServiceConfig(LLMServiceConfig):
def _configure(self) -> None:

shared_api_key = self.llm_module_config.api_key
self.api_key = self._get_str(

shared_model = self.llm_module_config.model
self.model = self._get_str(
shared_model if shared_model is not None else "your_llm_model_name",

shared_backup_model = self.llm_module_config.backup_model
self.backup_model = self._get_str(
shared_backup_model if shared_backup_model is not None else self.model,

shared_embedding_model = self.llm_module_config.embedding_model
self.embedding_model = self._get_str(
shared_embedding_model if shared_embedding_model is not None else self.model,
  1. Create a new class YourLLMService that inherits from CompletionService and EmbeddingService and implements the chat_completion and get_embeddings methods.
class YourLLMService(CompletionService, EmbeddingService):
def __init__(self, config: YourLLMServiceConfig):
self.config = config

def chat_completion(
messages: List[ChatMessageType],
stream: bool = True,
temperature: Optional[float] = None,
max_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
top_p: Optional[float] = None,
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Generator[ChatMessageType, None, None]:

def get_embeddings(self, strings: List[str]) -> List[List[float]]:


  • We set stream mode by default in chat_completion.
  • You need to use self.config to get the configuration variables of your LLM API (e.g., api key/model name) in YourLLMService class.
  • The get_embeddings method is optional.
  • If you need to import other libraries for your LLM API, please import them in __init__ function of YourLLMService class. You can refer to QWen dashscope library import for an example.
  1. Register your LLM service in taskweaver/llm/ by adding your LLM service to the LLMApi __init__ function .
from .your_llm_name import YourLLMService # import your LLM service here

class LLMApi(object):
def __init__(self, config: LLMModuleConfig, injector: Injector) -> None:
self.config = config
self.injector = injector

if self.config.api_type in ["openai", "azure", "azure_ad"]:


elif self.config.api_type == "your_llm_name":
self._set_completion_service(YourLLMService) # register your LLM service here
raise ValueError(f"API type {self.config.api_type} is not supported")

if self.config.embedding_api_type in ["openai", "azure", "azure_ad"]:


elif self.config.embedding_api_type == "azure_ml":
self.embedding_service = PlaceholderEmbeddingService(
"Azure ML does not support embeddings yet. Please configure a different embedding API.",
# register your embedding service here, if do not have embedding service, please use `PlaceholderEmbeddingService` referring to the above line
elif self.config.embedding_api_type == "your_llm_name":
raise ValueError(
f"Embedding API type {self.config.embedding_api_type} is not supported",
  1. Configurate taskweaver_config.json file in the project dir based on your implemented LLM API.
  2. Run the following command to test your LLM API. If the LLM API is successfully set up, you will see the response from your LLM API.
cd ./scripts

You also can specify the project dir and query to be sent to your LLM API by using the following command:

python --project <your_project_path> --query "hello, what can you do?"