Task: Text Generation#

In this Notebook we run Archai’s Text Generation task on Azure Machine Learning.

We’ll use the following components: 1. Search - Run Lightweight Transformer Search (LTS) to discover architectures that perform well with regards to non-embedding parameters, latency, and memory 2. Train - Train a chosen architecture 3. Generate text - Given a trained architecture and a prompt, outputs the generated text

The components are defined via Yaml (more info here) which will call the corresponding Python scripts.

Note: Our goal is to show how to create and run jobs without spending too much computing resources. Therefore, our goal is not to train a good model – for this purpose please refer to the original task.


  • Python 3.7 or later

  • An Azure subscription

  • An Azure Resource Group

  • An Azure Machine Learning Workspace

This notebook also assumes you have a python environment setup using pip install -e .[aml] in your Archai repository root

import os
from pathlib import Path

from IPython.display import display, Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML

from azure.ai.ml import load_job

import archai.common.azureml_helper as aml_helper
import archai.common.notebook_helper as nb_helper

Get a handle to the workspace#

We load the workspace from a workspace configuration file.

[ ]:
ml_client = aml_helper.get_aml_client_from_file("../.azureml/config.json")
print(f'Using workspace: {ml_client.workspace_name} in resource group: {ml_client.resource_group_name}')

Create CPU and GPU compute clusters#

We provision a Linux compute cluster for the NAS job in this Notebook. See the full list on VM sizes and prices.

We also provision a GPU compute cluster, to train the architectures and generate text.

cpu_compute_name = "nas-cpu-cluster-D14-v2"
cpu_compute_cluster = aml_helper.create_compute_cluster(ml_client, cpu_compute_name, size="Standard_D14_v2")

gpu_compute_name = "nas-gpu-cluster-NC6"
gpu_compute_cluster = aml_helper.create_compute_cluster(ml_client, gpu_compute_name, size="Standard_NC6")
You already have a cluster named nas-cpu-cluster-D14-v2, we'll reuse it as is.
You already have a cluster named nas-gpu-cluster-NC6, we'll reuse it as is.

Create an environment based on a YAML file#

Azure Machine Learning maintains a set of CPU and GPU Ubuntu Linux-based base images with common system dependencies. For the set of base images and their corresponding Dockerfiles, see the AzureML Containers repo.

archai_job_env = aml_helper.create_environment_from_file(ml_client,
Environment with name aml-archai is registered to workspace, the environment version is 0.0.1

Job 1: NAS (Searching for Pareto-optimal Architectures)#

Load the search job from a YAML file and run it.

search_job = load_job(source=os.path.join("src", "search.yaml"))
s_job = ml_client.create_or_update(search_job)
Uploading src (0.01 MBs): 100%|##########| 10177/10177 [00:00<00:00, 10489.91it/s]

Open the job overview on Azure ML Studio in your web browser (this works when you are running this notebook in VS code).

import webbrowser

job_name = s_job.name
print(f'Started job: {job_name}')
Started job: salmon_plum_t9hynvf120

Download the job’s output.

[ ]:
output_name = "output_dir"
download_path = "output"

aml_helper.download_job_output(ml_client, job_name=s_job.name, output_name=output_name, download_path=download_path)

downloaded_folder = Path(download_path) / "named-outputs" / output_name

Show the Pareto Frontiers.

param_vs_latency_img = Image(filename=downloaded_folder / "pareto_non_embedding_params_vs_onnx_latency.png")
param_vs_memory_img = Image(filename=downloaded_folder / "pareto_non_embedding_params_vs_onnx_memory.png")
latency_vs_memory_img = Image(filename=downloaded_folder / "pareto_onnx_latency_vs_onnx_memory.png")

Show the search state of the last iteration.

df = nb_helper.get_search_csv(downloaded_folder)
df = df[['archid', 'non_embedding_params', 'onnx_latency', 'onnx_memory', 'is_pareto']]
df[(df['onnx_latency'] < 0.9) & (df['is_pareto'] == True)]
archid non_embedding_params onnx_latency onnx_memory is_pareto
0 gpt2_cea35b3f3fd242d2af609b8d2a3936cc814a7f41 15144192.0 0.761083 246.531515 True
1 gpt2_df106863e1a0c9c140036b05661aa88e92f07701 7769472.0 0.575391 143.315580 True
2 gpt2_0f371e7b893319c0d20944d60143fad14e2695d0 14724096.0 0.850879 157.321033 True
9 gpt2_85a39fce7fd60bf8df99d17bb91298a450e2b0b1 12424512.0 0.676473 148.552288 True
10 gpt2_3748aa9c59880395ceabfba51d411bfa3ca198e8 5917568.0 0.376884 148.768559 True
15 gpt2_c710d31b0c06ad032125e28d4303a05676902937 11966848.0 0.714716 134.300035 True
18 gpt2_1d573928a72694068c1af9608548862d8519c533 14199296.0 0.851394 155.320788 True

Job 2: Train (Train a Pareto architecture from Transformer-Flex.)#

Pick an architecture id (archid) from the CSV file to perform full training.

archid = "<arch-id>"
print(f"Selected architecture: {archid}")
arch_path = nb_helper.get_arch_abs_path(archid=archid, downloaded_folder=downloaded_folder)
Selected architecture: gpt2_df106863e1a0c9c140036b05661aa88e92f07701

Load the training job from a YAML file, set its input, and run it. With the GPU cluster we created it should take around 3 hours.

train_job = load_job(source=os.path.join("src", "train.yaml"))
train_job.inputs.arch_config_path.path = arch_path
t_job = ml_client.create_or_update(train_job)

Open the job overview on Azure ML Studio in your web browser (this works when you are running this notebook in VS code).

import webbrowser

job_name = t_job.name
print(f'Started Job: {job_name}')
Started Job: willing_tree_3b22csbdtg

Job 3: Generating text via prompt#

Load the generate text job from a YAML file, set the inputs, and run it.

train_job = ml_client.jobs.get(t_job.name)

path = f"azureml://subscriptions/{ml_client.subscription_id}/resourcegroups/{ml_client.resource_group_name}/" \

if train_job and train_job.status == "Completed":
    gen_job = load_job(source=os.path.join("src", "generate_text.yaml"))
    gen_job.inputs.pre_trained_model_path.path = path
    gen_job.inputs.prompt = "Machine Learning"
    g_job = ml_client.create_or_update(gen_job)
    print(f"Job {train_job.name} is not completed yet")

Open the job overview on Azure ML Studio in your web browser (this works when you are running this notebook in VS code).

import webbrowser

job_name = g_job.name
print(f'Started Job: {job_name}')
Started Job: orange_bee_dk3c1xm55z

Download and show the generated text.

[ ]:
output_name = "output_path"
download_path = "generated_text"

aml_helper.download_job_output(ml_client, job_name=g_job.name, output_name=output_name, download_path=download_path)
downloaded_file = Path(download_path) / "named-outputs" / output_name / output_name
with open(downloaded_file, "r") as f:
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