Search Algorithms#

import os
from overrides import overrides
from typing import List
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
import json
from random import Random

from archai.discrete_search.api import ArchaiModel, EvolutionarySearchSpace, BayesOptSearchSpace

We will re-use the CNN search space created in the search space example.

from model import MyModel
from cnn_search_space import CNNSearchSpaceExt as CNNSearchSpace
ss = CNNSearchSpace(max_layers=10, kernel_list=[3, 5, 7], hidden_list=[16, 32, 64])
m = ss.random_sample()
        archid=L=3, K=7, H=16,
  (model): Sequential(
    (0): Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1), padding=(3, 3))
    (1): BatchNorm2d(16, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (2): ReLU()
    (3): Conv2d(16, 16, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1), padding=(3, 3))
    (4): BatchNorm2d(16, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (5): ReLU()
    (6): Conv2d(16, 16, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1), padding=(3, 3))
    (7): BatchNorm2d(16, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (8): ReLU()
    (9): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1))
    (10): Conv2d(16, 10, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))

Dataset Provider#

Datasets are represented in Archai throught the `DatasetProvider <../../reference/api/archai.discrete_search.api.rst>`__ class. For this example, we will use the built-in dataset provider of the MNIST dataset.

from import MnistDatasetProvider
dataset_provider = MnistDatasetProvider()

We can get train/test PyTorch datasets from a DatasetProvider by calling dataset_provider.get_datasets(load_train, load_test, transforms_train, transforms_test)

# Loads only the training set
tr_d = dataset_provider.get_train_dataset()

Wrapping custom evaluation code#

We will evaluate the models using partial training validation accuracy as a proxy for final task performance. This notebook will take about an hour to complete if you run it on a Intel Core i9 CPU. If you have CUDA enabled version of pytorch installed, it will be about 30 minutes if you pass the device argument cuda in the following PartialTrainingValAccuracy constructor.

from archai.api.dataset_provider import DatasetProvider
from archai.discrete_search.api import ModelEvaluator
from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import RayParallelEvaluator

from tqdm import tqdm
import math

class PartialTrainingValAccuracy(ModelEvaluator):
    def __init__(self, dataset: DatasetProvider, training_epochs: float = 1.0, lr: float = 1e-4, device: str = 'cpu',
                 progress_bar: bool = False):
        self.training_epochs = training_epochs
        self.dataset_provider = dataset
        self.device = device = lr
        self.progress_bar = progress_bar

    def evaluate(self, model, budget = None) -> float:
        # Loads the dataset
        tr_data = self.dataset_provider.get_train_dataset()
        val_data = self.dataset_provider.get_val_dataset()

        tr_dl =, batch_size=16, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)
        val_dl =, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=4)

        # Training settings
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.arch.parameters(),
        criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()


        # Partial training
        epoch_iter = range(math.ceil(self.training_epochs))
        if self.progress_bar:
            epoch_iter = tqdm(epoch_iter, desc=f'Training model {model.archid}')

        for epoch_nb in epoch_iter:
            # Early stops for fractional values of training epochs (e.g, 0.2)
            early_stop = len(tr_dl) + 1
            if 0 < (self.training_epochs - epoch_nb) < 1:
                early_stop = int((self.training_epochs - epoch_nb) * len(tr_dl))

            for i, (x, y) in enumerate(tr_dl):
                if i >= early_stop:


                pred = model.arch(
                loss = criterion(pred,


        # Evaluates final model

        with torch.no_grad():
            val_pred, val_target = [], []

            for x, y in val_dl:

            val_pred, val_target =, axis=0),, axis=0)
            val_acc = (val_pred.squeeze() == val_target.squeeze()).numpy().mean()

        # Returns model to cpu

        return val_acc

Let’s test our evaluator:

partial_tr = PartialTrainingValAccuracy(
    training_epochs=0.001, # Trains for 1/1000 of an epoch

This evaluation is pretty quick, even on a CPU, at around 10 seconds on an Intel Core i9 processor.

Training model L=5, K=3, H=32: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.04s/it]

We can make this objective more efficient evaluating multiple architectures in parallel. To do that, we can use the RayParallelObjective wrapper mentioned in the previous example:

parallel_partial_tr = RayParallelEvaluator(partial_tr)

Let’s test our partial training objective sending two random architectures

2023-03-29 19:14:10,446 INFO -- Started a local Ray instance.
Training model L=7, K=3, H=16:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Training model L=8, K=5, H=64:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Training model L=7, K=3, H=16: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:03<00:00,  3.55s/it]
Training model L=8, K=5, H=64: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:05<00:00,  5.11s/it]
[0.1135, 0.0892]

To run the same objective distributing jobs across multiple GPUs, just set the num_gpus parameter from ray.init and set device='cuda' (This assumes you have installed the NVidia CUDA SDK and PyTorch for CUDA as per the setup instructions at

    PartialTrainingValAccuracy(training_epochs=1, device='cuda'),
    num_gpus=0.5, # 2 jobs per gpu available

Defining Search Objectives#

Search optimization objectives are specified using the archai.discrete_search.SearchObjectives class

from archai.discrete_search.api import SearchObjectives

objectives = SearchObjectives()

Adding objectives#

To add search objectives, we can use the SearchObjectives.add_objective method

from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import AvgOnnxLatency, TorchFlops

    # Objective function name (will be used in plots and reports)
    name='ONNX Latency (ms)',

    # ModelEvaluator object that will be used to evaluate the model
    model_evaluator=AvgOnnxLatency(input_shape=(1, 1, 28, 28), num_trials=3),

    # Optimization direction, `True` for maximization or `False` for minimization

    # Whether this objective should be considered 'compute intensive' or not.

The compute_intensive flag is used in some search algorithms to help increase search efficiency. For instance, search algorithms that use surrogate models may try to estimate the value of expensive objective functions of unseen architectures in certain situations, while cheap objectives (compute_intensive=False) will just be computed directly.

    'FLOPs', TorchFlops(torch.randn(1, 1, 28, 28)),
    # We may optionally add a constraint.
    # Architectures outside this range will be ignored by the search algorithm
    constraint=(0.0, 1e9)

Additionally, objectives that are cheap to evaluate (compute_intensive=False) may receive an optional constraint argument. Model candidates outside this range will be ignored by the search algorithm.

We can evaluate cheap objectives calling SearchObjectives.eval_cheap_objs(model_list)

samples = [ss.random_sample() for _ in range(2)]
Calculating "ONNX Latency (ms)"...: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00,  9.76it/s]
Calculating "FLOPs"...: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 23.84it/s]
Gathering results from async objectives...: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
{'ONNX Latency (ms)': array([0.00050963, 0.0002865 ]),
 'FLOPs': array([1.02434954e+08, 1.19607370e+08])}

We can check if a model satisfies the constraints we added for the FLOPs objective by calling SearchObjectives.validate_constraints(model_list) or SearchObjectives.is_model_valid(ss.random_sample())

m = ss.random_sample()

({'FLOPs': array([1.1281083e+09])}, array([], dtype=int64))

By default, all objective and constraints evaluations are cached to prevent spending resources in the same architecture twice.

# The evaluation cache is built using the
# tuple (obj_name, archid, budget)
objectives.lookup_cache('FLOPs', samples[0].archid, None)

Caching can be disabled setting SearchObjectives(cache_objective_evaluation=False).

Now, let’s try adding the partial training objective we created before.

The code below requests a GPU compatible with CUDA. If running on CPU, that’s ok, it will just fall back to CPU training.

    'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)',
        PartialTrainingValAccuracy(dataset_provider, training_epochs=1, device='cuda'),
        num_gpus=0.5, # 2 jobs per gpu available
    compute_intensive=True # This is a compute intensive evaluator

Expensive objectives can be evaluated using SearchObjectives.eval_expensive_objs(model_list)

Alternatively, all objectives (expensive and cheap) can also be evaluated using SearchObjectives.eval_all_objs.

Adding extra constraints#

Besides the constraint parameter from cheap objectives, it is also possible to add extra constraints that are not search objectives (and thus should not be optimized by NAS algorithms).

from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import TorchNumParameters

    'Number of parameters',
    constraint=(0.0, 1e6)
({'Number of parameters': array([720586.]), 'FLOPs': array([1.1281083e+09])},
 array([], dtype=int64))

Using a search algorithm#

Now that we know how to create and use search objectives, we can finally use a search algorithm do to Neural Architecture Search!

Example: EvolutionParetoSearch#

Let’s start with an evolutionary-based search algorithm

from archai.discrete_search.algos import EvolutionParetoSearch
algo = EvolutionParetoSearch(
    ss, objectives,
    num_iters=5, num_crossovers=5,
search_results =
2023-03-29 19:16:04,354 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Using 10 random architectures as the initial population ...
2023-03-29 19:16:04,536 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Iteration 1/5
2023-03-29 19:16:04,537 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Calculating search objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for 10 models ...
2023-03-29 19:19:42,179 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Updating Pareto frontier ...
2023-03-29 19:19:42,180 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Found 7 members.
2023-03-29 19:19:42,651 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Optimzing memory usage ...
2023-03-29 19:19:42,652 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Choosing 7 parents ...
Mutating parents: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 52.68it/s]
2023-03-29 19:19:42,788 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Mutation: 12 new models.
2023-03-29 19:19:42,794 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Crossover: 1 new models.
2023-03-29 19:19:42,841 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population: 18.

2023-03-29 19:19:42,841 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population after `max_unseen_population` restriction: 10.
2023-03-29 19:19:42,841 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Iteration 2/5
2023-03-29 19:19:42,841 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Calculating search objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for 10 models ...
2023-03-29 19:24:37,502 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Updating Pareto frontier ...
2023-03-29 19:24:37,504 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Found 11 members.
2023-03-29 19:24:37,870 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Optimzing memory usage ...
2023-03-29 19:24:37,872 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Choosing 11 parents ...
Mutating parents: 100%|██████████| 11/11 [00:00<00:00, 43.14it/s]
2023-03-29 19:24:38,129 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Mutation: 18 new models.
2023-03-29 19:24:38,129 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Crossover: 0 new models.

2023-03-29 19:24:38,200 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population: 23.
2023-03-29 19:24:38,200 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population after `max_unseen_population` restriction: 10.
2023-03-29 19:24:38,201 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Iteration 3/5
2023-03-29 19:24:38,201 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Calculating search objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for 10 models ...
2023-03-29 19:33:04,545 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Updating Pareto frontier ...
2023-03-29 19:33:04,548 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Found 17 members.
2023-03-29 19:33:04,960 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Optimzing memory usage ...
2023-03-29 19:33:04,962 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Choosing 17 parents ...
Mutating parents: 100%|██████████| 17/17 [00:00<00:00, 30.02it/s]
2023-03-29 19:33:05,532 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Mutation: 25 new models.
2023-03-29 19:33:05,553 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Crossover: 1 new models.
2023-03-29 19:33:05,563 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population: 31.
2023-03-29 19:33:05,563 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population after `max_unseen_population` restriction: 10.
2023-03-29 19:33:05,578 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Iteration 4/5
2023-03-29 19:33:05,578 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Calculating search objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for 10 models ...

2023-03-29 19:40:54,762 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Updating Pareto frontier ...
2023-03-29 19:40:54,767 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Found 20 members.
2023-03-29 19:40:55,187 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Optimzing memory usage ...
2023-03-29 19:40:55,188 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Choosing 20 parents ...
Mutating parents: 100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 38.02it/s]
2023-03-29 19:40:55,716 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Mutation: 25 new models.
2023-03-29 19:40:55,737 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Crossover: 1 new models.
2023-03-29 19:40:55,749 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population: 31.

2023-03-29 19:40:55,750 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population after `max_unseen_population` restriction: 10.
2023-03-29 19:40:55,751 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Iteration 5/5
2023-03-29 19:40:55,751 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Calculating search objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for 10 models ...
2023-03-29 19:46:08,378 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Updating Pareto frontier ...
2023-03-29 19:46:08,384 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Found 23 members.
2023-03-29 19:46:08,844 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Optimzing memory usage ...
2023-03-29 19:46:08,844 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Choosing 23 parents ...
Mutating parents: 100%|██████████| 23/23 [00:00<00:00, 30.64it/s]
2023-03-29 19:46:09,612 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Mutation: 23 new models.
2023-03-29 19:46:09,632 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Crossover: 1 new models.
2023-03-29 19:46:09,632 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population: 29.
2023-03-29 19:46:09,632 - archai.discrete_search.algos.evolution_pareto — INFO —  Total unseen population after `max_unseen_population` restriction: 10.

By default all algorithms will save the final pareto architectures {output_dir}/pareto_models_iter_*/, pareto evolution plots pareto_*.png and search state tables with all the results {output_dir}/search_state_*.csv


It is also possible to get information from the search_results object directly:

search_results.plot_2d_pareto_evolution(('ONNX Latency (ms)', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'))

We can get pandas.DataFrame object with the search results calling

results_df = search_results.get_search_state_df()
results_df.query('is_pareto').drop(columns=['is_pareto']).sort_values('Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)')
archid ONNX Latency (ms) FLOPs Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch) parent parents iteration_num search_walltime_hours
22 L=1, K=5, H=16 0.000067 690250.0 0.2366 L=1, K=7, H=16 None 2 0.283439
5 L=1, K=7, H=16 0.000071 1292362.0 0.2929 None None 0 0.060559
36 L=2, K=3, H=16 0.000091 3951690.0 0.3045 L=9, K=7, H=16 None 3 0.414055
2 L=1, K=7, H=64 0.000090 5169418.0 0.3303 None None 0 0.060559
16 L=2, K=5, H=16 0.000094 10775626.0 0.4510 L=4, K=5, H=16 None 1 0.142594
13 L=4, K=3, H=16 0.000114 11277386.0 0.6514 L=4, K=7, H=16 None 1 0.142594
21 L=5, K=3, H=16 0.000272 14940234.0 0.7085 L=6, K=3, H=16 None 2 0.283439
1 L=6, K=3, H=16 0.000133 18603082.0 0.7211 None None 0 0.060559
41 L=3, K=5, H=16 0.000117 20861002.0 0.7473 None None 4 0.501170
34 L=8, K=3, H=16 0.000153 25928778.0 0.8375 L=4, K=3, H=16 None 3 0.414055
6 L=4, K=5, H=16 0.000129 30946378.0 0.8742 None None 0 0.060559
14 L=3, K=7, H=16 0.000398 40730698.0 0.9233 None None 1 0.142594
43 L=5, K=5, H=16 0.000170 41031754.0 0.9569 L=9, K=5, H=32 None 4 0.501170
0 L=4, K=7, H=16 0.000189 60449866.0 0.9570 None None 0 0.060559
31 L=7, K=5, H=16 0.000200 61202506.0 0.9714 L=4, K=5, H=16 None 3 0.414055
48 L=9, K=5, H=16 0.000227 81373258.0 0.9751 None None 4 0.501170
40 L=10, K=5, H=16 0.000244 91458634.0 0.9784 L=10, K=7, H=16 None 4 0.501170
18 L=9, K=7, H=16 0.000363 159045706.0 0.9810 L=1, K=7, H=16 None 1 0.142594
42 L=6, K=5, H=32 0.000372 202586250.0 0.9830 L=6, K=3, H=16 None 4 0.501170
28 L=10, K=7, H=16 0.001076 178764874.0 0.9831 L=4, K=7, H=16 None 2 0.283439
27 L=9, K=5, H=32 0.000537 323309706.0 0.9846 None None 2 0.283439
25 L=7, K=3, H=64 0.000623 349176074.0 0.9871 L=1, K=7, H=16 None 2 0.283439
20 L=7, K=7, H=32 0.001266 475242634.0 0.9905 None None 2 0.283439

Since our search space is also compatible with Bayesian Optimization algorithms, let’s try more sophisticated algorithm like MO-BANANAS.

MO-BANANAS will progressively train a surrogate model based on the data gathered during search. This surrogate model will be used to predict the result of expensive objective function evaluations and will try to determine what are the best possible architectures according to the surrogate model.

from archai.discrete_search.algos import MoBananasSearch
algo2 = MoBananasSearch(
    ss, objectives,
    num_iters=5, mutations_per_parent=5,
search_results2 =
2023-03-29 19:46:12,111 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Iteration 1/5
2023-03-29 19:46:12,112 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Evaluating objectives for 10 architectures ...
2023-03-29 19:49:47,678 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Updating surrogate model ...
Training DNN Ensemble...: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:33<00:00,  6.63s/it]
2023-03-29 19:50:20,852 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Generating mutations for 10 parent architectures ...

2023-03-29 19:50:21,262 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Found 36 new architectures satisfying constraints.
2023-03-29 19:50:21,263 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Predicting ['Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for new architectures using surrogate model ...
2023-03-29 19:50:21,267 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Calculating cheap objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs'] for new architectures ...
2023-03-29 19:50:22,452 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Best 20 candidate architectures were selected for the next iteration.
2023-03-29 19:50:22,811 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Iteration 2/5
2023-03-29 19:50:22,812 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Evaluating objectives for 20 architectures ...
2023-03-29 19:55:31,589 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Updating surrogate model ...
Training DNN Ensemble...: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:34<00:00,  6.83s/it]
2023-03-29 19:56:05,762 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Generating mutations for 10 parent architectures ...

2023-03-29 19:56:06,143 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Found 28 new architectures satisfying constraints.
2023-03-29 19:56:06,143 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Predicting ['Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for new architectures using surrogate model ...
2023-03-29 19:56:06,147 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Calculating cheap objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs'] for new architectures ...
2023-03-29 19:56:06,770 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Best 20 candidate architectures were selected for the next iteration.
2023-03-29 19:56:07,170 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Iteration 3/5
2023-03-29 19:56:07,170 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Evaluating objectives for 20 architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:01:57,750 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Updating surrogate model ...
Training DNN Ensemble...: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:31<00:00,  6.28s/it]
2023-03-29 20:02:29,188 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Generating mutations for 10 parent architectures ...

2023-03-29 20:02:29,521 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Found 11 new architectures satisfying constraints.
2023-03-29 20:02:29,521 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Predicting ['Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for new architectures using surrogate model ...
2023-03-29 20:02:29,524 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Calculating cheap objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs'] for new architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:02:29,646 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Best 20 candidate architectures were selected for the next iteration.
2023-03-29 20:02:30,084 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Iteration 4/5
2023-03-29 20:02:30,084 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Evaluating objectives for 11 architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:09:48,369 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Updating surrogate model ...
Training DNN Ensemble...: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:31<00:00,  6.32s/it]
2023-03-29 20:10:19,986 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Generating mutations for 10 parent architectures ...

2023-03-29 20:10:20,246 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Found 5 new architectures satisfying constraints.
2023-03-29 20:10:20,247 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Predicting ['Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for new architectures using surrogate model ...
2023-03-29 20:10:20,251 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Calculating cheap objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs'] for new architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:10:20,252 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Best 20 candidate architectures were selected for the next iteration.
2023-03-29 20:10:20,720 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Iteration 5/5
2023-03-29 20:10:20,721 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Evaluating objectives for 5 architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:10:20,723 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Updating surrogate model ...
Training DNN Ensemble...: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:33<00:00,  6.77s/it]
2023-03-29 20:10:54,613 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Generating mutations for 10 parent architectures ...

2023-03-29 20:10:54,880 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Found 5 new architectures satisfying constraints.
2023-03-29 20:10:54,881 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Predicting ['Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'] for new architectures using surrogate model ...
2023-03-29 20:10:54,885 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Calculating cheap objectives ['ONNX Latency (ms)', 'FLOPs'] for new architectures ...
2023-03-29 20:10:54,945 - archai.discrete_search.algos.bananas — INFO —  Best 20 candidate architectures were selected for the next iteration.
search_results2.plot_2d_pareto_evolution(('ONNX Latency (ms)', 'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)'))

MO-BANANAS will also save the predictive mean and variance of the expensive objectives during that iteration .

results_df2 = search_results2.get_search_state_df()
results_df2.query('is_pareto').sort_values('Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)').drop(columns=['is_pareto'])
archid ONNX Latency (ms) FLOPs Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch) iteration_num Predicted Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch) mean Predicted Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch) var search_walltime_hours
14 L=1, K=3, H=16 0.000059 288842.0 0.2225 1 0.475666 0.002211 0.155478
42 L=1, K=5, H=16 0.000067 690250.0 0.2366 2 0.245449 0.000204 0.262745
32 L=1, K=3, H=32 0.000075 577674.0 0.2473 2 0.260814 0.000564 0.262745
34 L=1, K=3, H=64 0.000076 1155338.0 0.2483 2 0.535216 0.015243 0.262745
22 L=1, K=7, H=16 0.000071 1292362.0 0.2929 1 0.299682 0.002974 0.155478
46 L=2, K=3, H=16 0.000091 3951690.0 0.3045 2 0.312893 0.000101 0.262745
15 L=1, K=7, H=64 0.000090 5169418.0 0.3303 1 0.602266 0.005785 0.155478
20 L=3, K=3, H=16 0.000105 7614538.0 0.4167 1 0.587572 0.000149 0.155478
55 L=2, K=5, H=16 0.000094 10775626.0 0.4510 3 0.446544 0.000443 0.393473
5 L=4, K=3, H=16 0.000114 11277386.0 0.6514 0 NaN NaN 0.059947
0 L=5, K=3, H=16 0.000272 14940234.0 0.7085 0 NaN NaN 0.059947
24 L=6, K=3, H=16 0.000133 18603082.0 0.7211 1 0.799245 0.000174 0.155478
47 L=3, K=5, H=16 0.000117 20861002.0 0.7473 2 0.543294 0.001922 0.262745
23 L=7, K=3, H=16 0.000144 22265930.0 0.7538 1 0.886456 0.000576 0.155478
17 L=9, K=3, H=16 0.000147 29591626.0 0.7907 1 0.979098 0.000137 0.155478
31 L=8, K=3, H=16 0.000153 25928778.0 0.8375 2 0.773204 0.000014 0.262745
30 L=4, K=5, H=16 0.000129 30946378.0 0.8742 2 0.763225 0.000907 0.262745
45 L=3, K=7, H=16 0.000398 40730698.0 0.9233 2 0.725047 0.001580 0.262745
41 L=6, K=5, H=16 0.000167 51117130.0 0.9536 2 0.953731 0.000092 0.262745
38 L=5, K=5, H=16 0.000170 41031754.0 0.9569 2 0.906938 0.000563 0.262745
51 L=4, K=7, H=16 0.000189 60449866.0 0.9570 3 0.971134 0.000025 0.393473
28 L=7, K=3, H=32 0.000193 87883914.0 0.9673 1 0.972595 0.000003 0.155478
2 L=7, K=5, H=16 0.000200 61202506.0 0.9714 0 NaN NaN 0.059947
57 L=9, K=5, H=16 0.000227 81373258.0 0.9751 3 0.967726 0.000004 0.393473
25 L=10, K=5, H=16 0.000244 91458634.0 0.9784 1 1.006564 0.000043 0.155478
53 L=10, K=3, H=32 0.000275 131537034.0 0.9792 3 0.977563 0.000043 0.393473
6 L=7, K=7, H=16 0.000287 119607370.0 0.9793 0 NaN NaN 0.059947
65 L=9, K=7, H=16 0.000363 159045706.0 0.9810 4 0.941756 0.000016 0.402460
63 L=4, K=7, H=32 0.000436 238913674.0 0.9822 4 0.980534 0.000009 0.402460
54 L=8, K=5, H=32 0.000402 283068554.0 0.9863 3 0.966136 0.000119 0.393473
35 L=7, K=3, H=64 0.000623 349176074.0 0.9871 2 0.993294 0.000136 0.262745
36 L=9, K=3, H=64 0.000615 465182986.0 0.9879 2 1.016683 0.000396 0.262745
58 L=10, K=3, H=64 0.000810 523186442.0 0.9889 3 0.994421 0.000030 0.393473
7 L=10, K=7, H=32 0.001719 711571594.0 0.9896 0 NaN NaN 0.059947
19 L=7, K=5, H=64 0.001365 967344394.0 0.9915 1 1.019391 0.000440 0.155478

Let’s use plotly to compare the final pareto frontiers of both algorithms:

%pip install plotly

import pandas as pd
import as px

merged_results_df = pd.concat([
    results_df.assign(algo='Evolution Pareto'),
], axis=0)

fig = px.scatter(
    'ONNX Latency (ms)',
    'Partial training Validation Accuracy (1 epoch)',

fig.layout = fig.layout.update(showlegend=False)
Requirement already satisfied: plotly in d:\anaconda3\envs\archai\lib\site-packages (5.13.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tenacity>=6.2.0 in d:\anaconda3\envs\archai\lib\site-packages (from plotly) (8.2.1)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.plotly.v1+json

You can get much faster search times using Azure ML with partial training happening in parallel across a GPU cluster. See the Advanced Guide, Cloud-Based, Azure, Multi node search example for details.


OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized.

This error might happen on Windows if your python environment has multiple version of this libiomp5md.dll in different locations, for example, one in ~\Library\bin and another in Lib\site-packages\torch\lib. To resolve this copy the newest one over the older one so that the same dll is found in both places.