Unit Tests#

The Archai project welcomes contributions through the implementation of unit tests using Pytest. If you are interested in contributing to the project in this way, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that Pytest is installed. You can install it using pip install archai[tests].

  2. Check out the Archai codebase and create a new branch for your changes. This will allow for easy submission of your code as a pull request upon completion.

  3. Create a .py test file in the tests directory. For example, if writing a unit test for the archai/trainers/nlp/hf_training_args.py file, the corresponding path would be tests/trainers/nlp/test_hf_training_args.py.

  4. Write test functions inside the created file. These functions should be named using the pattern: test_<name of function being tested>.

  5. Test functions should utilize the assert statement to verify that the output of the tested function is correct. For example:

    from archai.trainers.nlp.hf_training_args import DistillerTrainingArguments
    def test_distiller_training_arguments():
        args = DistillerTrainingArguments("tmp")
        assert args.alpha == 0.5
        assert args.temperature == 1.0
        args = DistillerTrainingArguments("tmp", alpha=0.75, temperature=1.25)
        assert args.alpha == 0.75
        assert args.temperature == 1.25
  6. Run your tests using the pytest command. This will automatically discover and execute all test functions in the tests directory.

  7. To run a specific test file, use the pytest command followed by the path to the desired file. For example: pytest tests/trainers/nlp/test_hf_training_args.py.

After writing and running your tests, you may submit your code as a pull request to the main project repository. Please include a description of the changes made and any relevant issue references.