
from overrides import overrides
from typing import List, Optional
from archai.discrete_search.api import ArchaiModel

We will use SegmentationDag search space for this example

from archai.discrete_search.search_spaces.cv import SegmentationDagSearchSpace
ss = SegmentationDagSearchSpace(nb_classes=1, img_size=(64, 64), max_layers=5, seed=11)
m = ss.random_sample()

SegmentationDagSearchSpace is a subclass of EvolutionarySearchSpace, so mutate and crossover methods are already implemented


Evaluating models#

Evaluators are the main tool used to evaluate architectures in given criteria (task performance, speed, size, etc.). Archai supports two types of Evaluators:

A synchronous evaluator (ModelEvaluator) is computed by the search algorithm in a sequential fashion, while an asynchronous evaluator (AsyncModelEvaluator) sends evaluation jobs to a queue and fetches the results later, and thus can be used to evaluate models remotely or in a distributed fashion.

The ArchaiModel object passed to the evaluator objects can be used to access the architecture, if necessary. Some objectives will actively use the a dataset (e.g task accuracy), while others (e.g FLOPs, latency, memory) may not.

The budget argument, if provided, is a multiplier value used by search algorithms like SuccessiveHalving to specify how much compute should be spent on the evaluation.

Read more about Evaluators here. You can find a list of built-in evaluators in archai.discrete_search.evaluators.

Example: Using a built-in evaluator (AvgOnnxLatency)#

Let’s use a built-in evaluator to measure ONNX latency of PyTorch models

from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import AvgOnnxLatency
onnx_latency_obj = AvgOnnxLatency(input_shape=(1, 3, 64, 64))
onnx_latency_obj.evaluate(model=ss.random_sample(), budget=None)
/home/gderosa/miniconda3/envs/archai38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/onnx/_internal/jit_utils.py:258: UserWarning: The shape inference of prim::Constant type is missing, so it may result in wrong shape inference for the exported graph. Please consider adding it in symbolic function. (Triggered internally at ../torch/csrc/jit/passes/onnx/shape_type_inference.cpp:1884.)
  _C._jit_pass_onnx_node_shape_type_inference(node, params_dict, opset_version)
/home/gderosa/miniconda3/envs/archai38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/onnx/utils.py:687: UserWarning: The shape inference of prim::Constant type is missing, so it may result in wrong shape inference for the exported graph. Please consider adding it in symbolic function. (Triggered internally at ../torch/csrc/jit/passes/onnx/shape_type_inference.cpp:1884.)
/home/gderosa/miniconda3/envs/archai38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/onnx/utils.py:1178: UserWarning: The shape inference of prim::Constant type is missing, so it may result in wrong shape inference for the exported graph. Please consider adding it in symbolic function. (Triggered internally at ../torch/csrc/jit/passes/onnx/shape_type_inference.cpp:1884.)

Custom Evaluator Example#

Let’s create a simple custom ModelEvaluator that counts the number of modules in a model

from archai.api.dataset_provider import DatasetProvider
from archai.discrete_search.api import ModelEvaluator
class NumberOfModules(ModelEvaluator):
    ''' Class that measures the size of a model by the number of torch modules '''

    def evaluate(self, model: ArchaiModel,
                 budget: Optional[float] = None):
        return len(list(model.arch.modules()))
m = ss.random_sample()
my_objective = NumberOfModules()

Useful Evaluators#

  • RayParallelEvaluator - Wraps an existing ModelEvaluator into a new AsyncModelEvaluator that runs evaluation jobs using multiple Ray workers.

  • EvaluationFunction - Wraps a function that takes (model, budget) arguments and creates a ModelEvaluator

Example: Parallelizing NumberOfModules#

Let’s use RayParallelEvaluator to make our custom evaluator NumberOfModules run more efficiently.

from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import RayParallelEvaluator
my_objective_parallel = RayParallelEvaluator(
    timeout=10, # Timeout in seconds
    num_cpus=1.0 # Each evaluation job will use a CPU core

my_objective_parallel is now an AsyncModelEvaluator object. We can send evaluation jobs calling AsyncModelEvaluator.send(model, budget):

model_list = [ss.random_sample() for _ in range(10)]

for model in model_list:
    print(f'Dispatching job for {model.archid}')
    my_objective_parallel.send(model, budget=None)
Dispatching job for 4aba6fbdb292e44d634daefa425ab1406684daed_64_64
2023-03-21 11:59:26,238 INFO worker.py:1538 -- Started a local Ray instance.
Dispatching job for e0521c00e4b6dfa7f624d2d7560d9c220591864b_64_64
Dispatching job for c60496d4923eaa0062de511eaab3b9cb4ec46a3e_64_64
Dispatching job for d31e4ef0912834bc51336aaf55fd879606fbf4ca_64_64
Dispatching job for 915ff7e0aca6e48bbae0def46d64b7300887fb80_64_64
Dispatching job for 90da2af4f0a0aa0f24cafa1cd59032623ada1c23_64_64
Dispatching job for fe6c11c85bbcbdaf6b716d9259f5415b7327192d_64_64
Dispatching job for 65e92bee3ecc899c5c346be82961c331d9f18933_64_64
Dispatching job for bdf6f69e2a8e08473e9e799ec2d7e627dd915d43_64_64
Dispatching job for 9b0f792a6e6c37c4e40abde72b4fbd2cdca9ebae_64_64

We can fetch and clear all jobs from the job queue by calling AsyncModelEvaluator.fetch_all()

[53, 29, 60, 31, 87, 49, 30, 83, 33, 61]

After that, job queue should be empty

assert my_objective_parallel.fetch_all() == []

Example: Wrapping custom training code into an Evaluator#

Let’s consider the problem of measuring the task performance on a specific dataset with custom training code.

from archai.datasets.cv.mnist_dataset_provider import MnistDatasetProvider
from archai.discrete_search.evaluators import EvaluationFunction

Datasets in Archai are defined using dataset providers. We will use the built-in MnistProvider dataset provider for the MNIST dataset.

[ ]:
dataset_provider = MnistDatasetProvider()

We can now wrap custom training code easily using the EvaluationFunction wrapper:

def custom_training_val_performance(model, budget=None):
    tr_data = dataset_provider.get_train_dataset()
    val_data = dataset_provider.get_val_dataset()

    tr_dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(tr_data, shuffle=True, batch_size=16)
    val_dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_data, shuffle=True, batch_size=16)

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.arch.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

    for batch in tr_dl:

    for batch in val_dl:

    return validation_metric
# Wraps custom training function into a ModelEvaluator
custom_evaluator = EvaluationFunction(custom_traininb_val_performance)

# Evaluates an architecture from the search space
custom_evaluator.evaluate(ss.random_sample(), budget=None)

See the next notebook for a complete example using a custom training objectives