ML Ops Foundations

This section focuses on Pre-kick off enablement on core Dev Ops, ML Ops fundamentals , the why (key motivations) and considerations relevant to all project roles. Topics such as:

  1. DevOps Overview. Understanding the key principles of Dev Ops, development cultures, CI/CD concepts, and the adaptation of Infrastructure as code (IaC).

  2. MLOps Overview. Understand the difference between ML Ops and Dev Ops, the ML Ops maturity models of your organization, key principles of adopting ML Ops.

  3. Skills Roles and Responsibilities of your team. Identify the distinct roles and teams required for the ML Ops processes and understand different roles work together to manage the Machine Learning project.


GET STARTED: Start by understanding the key principles of Dev Ops, development cultures, CI/CD concepts, and the adaptation of Infrastructure as code (IaC) here.