Source: Create your first pipeline
Different development environment requires different Azure resources. Azure Piplines can be used to deploy Azure resources automatically for different environments.
This is a step-by-step guide to using Azure Pipelines to build a sample application. This guide uses Azure CLI to deploy YAML pipelines in Azure Pipelines.
Alternatively, you can also deploy your development environments with YAML Pipeline Editor.
Prerequisites - Azure DevOps: Make sure you have the following items:
- A GitHub account where you can create a repository. Create one for free.
- An Azure DevOps organization with an Azure DevOps project. Create one for free. If your team already has one, then make sure you're an administrator of the Azure DevOps project that you want to use.
- An ability to run pipelines on Microsoft-hosted agents. You can either purchase a parallel job or you can request a free tier.
az login
file in your development directory with the template contents: This template deploys the required Azure resources for the development and production environment separately by utilizing the resource variables from these files:
az devops configure --defaults organization=<YOUR DEVOPS ORGANIZATION>/
az devops configure --defaults project=<YOUR PROJECT NAME>
az pipelines create --name <PIPELINE_NAME>
NEXT: Review the checklist to see if your team is ready for continuous integration and development (CI/CD) of your Machine Learning services development.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Your team can also accelerate the migration of your existing model to AML by referring to the materials and templates here.