Branching Strategy

This document explains how to handle setup your code repository to create your CI/CD pipeline. In this document, we use uppercase DEV, TEST, PROD to refer to environments and lowercase when talking about branches (dev, main)


The following diagram summarizes the recommended strategy and how it relates to the Azure resources.


Architecture Recap

We provide the recommended general guidelines:

  1. Each DS project should have at least two resource groups with with one AML instance in each: DEV-RG and PROD-RG. We recommend however to also setup a TEST-RG.

  2. The code in DEV must be able to be run in TEST/PROD without applying any change to it

  3. Data scientists (Dev team) have no right to modify code in TEST/PROD. They should have only view access rights.


  1. Create a dev branch from main from which one can create sub branches (feature engineering, hot fixes, etc).

  2. Continuous Integration consists in running: linting, unit tests, data checks,…, and finally publishing an AML pipeline (either training or serving).

  3. Any change applied to the main branch must be done through a Pull request. The approved PR may trigger a continuous integration process in TEST/PROD.