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SEO Front Matter

Generating and maintaining good SEO front matter fields can be a tedious task. GenAIScript can help you automate this process.

The script below will generate SEO information and update the existing file. The script uses a custom merge strategy to merge the new front matter with the existing front matter.

model: "large",
// force refreshing all files
const force = env.vars.force
// filter out files that don't have a front matter.description
const files = env.files
.filter((f) => /\.mdx?$/i.test(f.filename))
(f) =>
force ||
(!MD.frontmatter(f.content)?.description &&
if (!files.length) cancel("no files to process")
// insert markdown files in context
def("FILE", files)
// prompt to generate front matter for markdown files
$`You are a search engine optimization expert at creating front matter for markdown document.
For each FILE, re-generate the front matter content as the new file content.
## Guidance
- ONLY generate the front matter section. This is important.
- Update description as needed.
- Update keywords as needed, only 5 keywords or less. Use comma separated list for keywords.
- use yaml format, do not use quotes
- optimize for search engine optimization.
- If no front matter is present, generate it.
## Things to avoid
- DO NOT RESPOND the rest of the markdown content beyond the front matter.
- Do NOT modify the markdown content after the front matter
- Do NOT repeat project name (GenAIScript) in 'title' field
- DO NOT modify the existing 'title' or 'sidebar' fields.
- Do NOT use 'Guide' in title.
// merge logic to integrate generated frontmatter fields
defFileOutput("**/*.{md,mdx}", "Updated markdown files")
defFileMerge((fn, label, before, generated) => {
if (!/\.mdx?$/i.test(fn)) return undefined
const frontmatter = MD.frontmatter(generated)
if (!frontmatter) {
console.log(`invalid syntax for generated frontmatter`)
return before
const { title, description, keywords, tags } = frontmatter
const updated = MD.updateFrontmatter(before, {
return updated

Batching over all files

Once the script has been tuned on a few files, you can automate using the CLI. The CLI has a —apply-edits flag to apply the changes to the file.

Terminal window
for file in src/**/*.md; do
genaiscript run frontmatter "$file" --apply-edits

You can run this command in your CI/CD pipeline to keep your SEO front matter up to date.