Usage: genaiscript run [options] <script> [files...]
Runs a GenAIScript against files.
-m, --model <string> 'large' model alias (default)
-sm, --small-model <string> 'small' alias model
-vm, --vision-model <string> 'vision' alias model
-ma, --model-alias <nameid...> model alias as name=modelid
-lp, --logprobs enable reporting token probabilities
-tlp, --top-logprobs <number> number of top logprobs (1 to 5)
-ef, --excluded-files <string...> excluded files
-egi, --exclude-git-ignore exclude files that are ignored through the .gitignore file in the workspace root
-ft, --fallback-tools Enable prompt-based tools instead of builtin LLM tool calling builtin tool calls
-o, --out <string> output folder. Extra markdown fields for output and trace will also be generated
-rmo, --remove-out remove output folder if it exists
-ot, --out-trace <string> output file for trace
-od, --out-data <string> output file for data (.jsonl/ndjson will be aggregated). JSON schema information and validation will be included if available.
-oa, --out-annotations <string> output file for annotations (.csv will be rendered as csv, .jsonl/ndjson will be aggregated)
-ocl, --out-changelog <string> output file for changelogs
-pr, --pull-request <number> pull request identifier
-prc, --pull-request-comment [string] create comment on a pull request with a unique id (defaults to script id)
-prd, --pull-request-description [string] create comment on a pull request description with a unique id (defaults to script id)
-prr, --pull-request-reviews create pull request reviews from annotations
-j, --json emit full JSON response to output
-y, --yaml emit full YAML response to output
-fe, --fail-on-errors fails on detected annotation error
-r, --retry <number> number of retries (default: "10")
-rd, --retry-delay <number> minimum delay between retries (default: "1000")
-md, --max-delay <number> maximum delay between retries (default: "10000")
-l, --label <string> label for the run
-t, --temperature <number> temperature for the run
-tp, --top-p <number> top-p for the run
-mt, --max-tokens <number> maximum completion tokens for the run
-mdr, --max-data-repairs <number> maximum data repairs
-mtc, --max-tool-calls <number> maximum tool calls for the run
-se, --seed <number> seed for the run
-em, --embeddings-model <string> embeddings model for the run
--cache enable LLM result cache
-cn, --cache-name <name> custom cache file name
-cs, --csv-separator <string> csv separator (default: "\t")
-ae, --apply-edits apply file edits
--vars <namevalue...> variables, as name=value, stored in env.vars. Use environment variables GENAISCRIPT_VAR_name=value to pass variable through the environment
-rr, --run-retry <number> number of retries for the entire run
-h, --help display help for command