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Images can be added to the prompt for models that support this feature (like gpt-4o). Use the defImages function to declare the images. Supported images will vary with models but typically include PNG, JPEG, WEBP, and GIF. Both local files and URLs are supported.


Read more about OpenAI Vision.


Public URLs (that do not require authentication) will be passed directly to OpenAI.


Local files are loaded and encoded as a data uri.

Buffer, Blob, ReadableStream

The defImages function also supports Buffer, Blob, ReadableStream.

This example takes a screenshot of and adds it to the images.

const page = await host.browse("")
const screenshot = await page.screenshot() // returns a node.js Buffer


OpenAI supports a “low” / “high” field. An image in “low” detail will be downsampled to 512x512 pixels.

defImages(img, { detail: "low" })


You can crop a region of interest from the image.

defImages(img, { crop: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 512, h: 512 } })

Auto crop

You can also automatically remove uniform color on the edges of the image.

defImages(img, { autoCrop: true })


You can convert the image to greyscale.

defImages(img, { greyscale: true })


You can rotate the image.

defImages(img, { rotate: 90 })


You can scale the image.

defImages(img, { scale: 0.5 })


You can flip the image.

defImages(img, { flip: { horizontal: true; vertical: true } })

Max width, max height

You can specify a maximum width, maximum height. GenAIScript will resize the image to fit into the constraints.

defImages(img, { maxWidth: 800 })
// and / or
defImages(img, { maxHeight: 800 })