------------------------------- MODULE EWD998PCal -------------------------------
(* TLA+ specification of an algorithm for distributed termination *)
(* detection on a ring, due to Shmuel Safra, published as EWD 998: *)
(* Shmuel Safra's version of termination detection. *)
(* https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd09xx/EWD998.PDF *)
EXTENDS Integers, Bags, BagsExt
ASSUME NAssumption == N \in Nat \ {0} \* At least one node.
Initiator == 0 \* Any node can be the initiator; 0 has just been conveniently choosen to simplify the definition of token initiation.
Although we know the relationship between the counter and network, modeling network as a set of messages would be too cumbersome.
We have two alternatives for modeling the network: as a bag of messages or as a sequence of messages. Although modeling it as a
sequence may seem more intuitive, we do not require its ordering properties for our purposes. Therefore, we have decided to use a
bag to represent the network. It's worth noting that Distributed Plucal refers to this concept as a "channel".
network = [n \in Node |-> IF n = Initiator THEN SetToBag({[type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "black"]}) ELSE EmptyBag];
The passMsg operator is not implementable -at least not without using extra synchronization- because it atomically reads a message
from the nic's in-buffer and writes to its out-buffer!
passMsg(net, from, oldMsg, to, newMsg) == [ net EXCEPT ![from] = BagRemove(@, oldMsg), ![to] = BagAdd(@, newMsg) ]
sendMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagAdd(@, msg) ]
dropMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagRemove(@, msg) ]
pendingMsgs(net, rcv) == DOMAIN net[rcv]
fair process (node \in Node)
variables active \in BOOLEAN, color = "black", counter = 0;
either { \* send some payload message to some other node.
with (to \in Node \ {self}) {
network := sendMsg(network, to, [type|-> "pl"]);
} or { \* receive a payload message. Reactivates the node.
with (msg \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) {
network := dropMsg(network, self, msg)
} or { \* terminate the current node.
} or { \* pass the token to the next node.
with (tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) {
when tok.type = "tok" /\ ~active;
network := passMsg(network, self, tok, self-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> tok.q + counter, color |-> (IF color = "black" THEN "black" ELSE tok.color)]);
} or { \* Initiate token.
with (tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) {
when tok.type = "tok" /\ (color = "black" \/ tok.q + counter # 0 \/ tok.color = "black");
network := passMsg(network, self, tok, N-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "white"]);
\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "4d658e04" /\ chksum(tla) = "530581e3")
passMsg(net, from, oldMsg, to, newMsg) == [ net EXCEPT ![from] = BagRemove(@, oldMsg), ![to] = BagAdd(@, newMsg) ]
sendMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagAdd(@, msg) ]
dropMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagRemove(@, msg) ]
pendingMsgs(net, rcv) == DOMAIN net[rcv]
VARIABLES active, color, counter
vars == << network, active, color, counter >>
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ network = [n \in Node |-> IF n = Initiator THEN SetToBag({[type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "black"]}) ELSE EmptyBag]
/\ active \in [Node -> BOOLEAN]
/\ color = [self \in Node |-> "black"]
/\ counter = [self \in Node |-> 0]
node(self) == \/ /\ active[self]
/\ \E to \in Node \ {self}:
network' = sendMsg(network, to, [type|-> "pl"])
/\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![self] = counter[self] + 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, color>>
\/ /\ \E msg \in pendingMsgs(network, self):
/\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![self] = counter[self] - 1]
/\ active' = [active EXCEPT ![self] = TRUE]
/\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "black"]
/\ network' = dropMsg(network, self, msg)
\/ /\ active' = [active EXCEPT ![self] = FALSE]
/\ UNCHANGED <<network, color, counter>>
/\ \E tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self):
/\ tok.type = "tok" /\ ~active[self]
/\ network' = passMsg(network, self, tok, self-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> tok.q + counter[self], color |-> (IF color[self] = "black" THEN "black" ELSE tok.color)])
/\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "white"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter>>
/\ \E tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self):
/\ tok.type = "tok" /\ (color[self] = "black" \/ tok.q + counter[self] # 0 \/ tok.color = "black")
/\ network' = passMsg(network, self, tok, N-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "white"])
/\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "white"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter>>
Next == (\E self \in Node: node(self))
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ \A self \in Node : WF_vars(node(self))
LET tpos == CHOOSE i \in Node : \E m \in DOMAIN network[i]: m.type = "tok"
tok == CHOOSE m \in DOMAIN network[tpos] : m.type = "tok"
IN [pos |-> tpos, q |-> tok.q, color |-> tok.color]
[n \in Node |-> IF [type|->"pl"] \in DOMAIN network[n] THEN network[n][[type|->"pl"]] ELSE 0]
EWD998Spec == EWD998!Init /\ [][EWD998!Next]_EWD998!vars \* Not checking liveness because we cannot easily define fairness for what ewd998 calls system actions.
THEOREM Spec => EWD998Spec
\A i \in DOMAIN counter : counter[i] < 3