TLA+ AI Linter
TLA+ is a high-level language for modeling programs and systems—especially concurrent and distributed ones. It’s based on the idea that the best way to describe things precisely is with simple mathematics.
TLA+ does not come with a traditional linter or formatter. The TLA+ AI Linter is a GenAI script that uses LLMs to lint TLA+ files.
TLA+ specifications
The following is a TLA+ spec that models a seminal solution to the termination detection problem in distributed systems.
------------------------------- MODULE EWD998PCal -------------------------------(***************************************************************************)(* TLA+ specification of an algorithm for distributed termination *)(* detection on a ring, due to Shmuel Safra, published as EWD 998: *)(* Shmuel Safra's version of termination detection. *)(* *)(***************************************************************************)EXTENDS Integers, Bags, BagsExt
CONSTANT NASSUME NAssumption == N \in Nat \ {0} \* At least one node.
Node == 0 .. N-1
Initiator == 0 \* Any node can be the initiator; 0 has just been conveniently choosen to simplify the definition of token initiation.
(********--algorithm ewd998 {
variables (* Although we know the relationship between the counter and network, modeling network as a set of messages would be too cumbersome. We have two alternatives for modeling the network: as a bag of messages or as a sequence of messages. Although modeling it as a sequence may seem more intuitive, we do not require its ordering properties for our purposes. Therefore, we have decided to use a bag to represent the network. It's worth noting that Distributed Plucal refers to this concept as a "channel". *) network = [n \in Node |-> IF n = Initiator THEN SetToBag({[type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "black"]}) ELSE EmptyBag];
define { (* The passMsg operator is not implementable -at least not without using extra synchronization- because it atomically reads a message from the nic's in-buffer and writes to its out-buffer! *) passMsg(net, from, oldMsg, to, newMsg) == [ net EXCEPT ![from] = BagRemove(@, oldMsg), ![to] = BagAdd(@, newMsg) ] sendMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagAdd(@, msg) ] dropMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagRemove(@, msg) ] pendingMsgs(net, rcv) == DOMAIN net[rcv] }
fair process (node \in Node) variables active \in BOOLEAN, color = "black", counter = 0; {l: while (TRUE) {
either { \* send some payload message to some other node. when active; with (to \in Node \ {self}) { network := sendMsg(network, to, [type|-> "pl"]); }; counter := counter + 1
} or { \* receive a payload message. Reactivates the node. with (msg \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) { when msg.type = "pl"; counter := counter - 1; active := TRUE; color := "black"; network := dropMsg(network, self, msg) }
} or { \* terminate the current node. active := FALSE
} or { \* pass the token to the next node. when self # Initiator; with (tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) { when tok.type = "tok" /\ ~active; network := passMsg(network, self, tok, self-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> tok.q + counter, color |-> (IF color = "black" THEN "black" ELSE tok.color)]); color := "white"; }
} or { \* Initiate token. when self = Initiator; with (tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self)) { when tok.type = "tok" /\ (color = "black" \/ tok.q + counter # 0 \/ tok.color = "black"); network := passMsg(network, self, tok, N-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "white"]); color := "white"; } } } }}********)\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "4d658e04" /\ chksum(tla) = "530581e3")VARIABLE network
(* define statement *)passMsg(net, from, oldMsg, to, newMsg) == [ net EXCEPT ![from] = BagRemove(@, oldMsg), ![to] = BagAdd(@, newMsg) ]sendMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagAdd(@, msg) ]dropMsg(net, to, msg) == [ net EXCEPT ![to] = BagRemove(@, msg) ]pendingMsgs(net, rcv) == DOMAIN net[rcv]
VARIABLES active, color, counter
vars == << network, active, color, counter >>
ProcSet == (Node)
Init == (* Global variables *) /\ network = [n \in Node |-> IF n = Initiator THEN SetToBag({[type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "black"]}) ELSE EmptyBag] (* Process node *) /\ active \in [Node -> BOOLEAN] /\ color = [self \in Node |-> "black"] /\ counter = [self \in Node |-> 0]
node(self) == \/ /\ active[self] /\ \E to \in Node \ {self}: network' = sendMsg(network, to, [type|-> "pl"]) /\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![self] = counter[self] + 1] /\ UNCHANGED <<active, color>> \/ /\ \E msg \in pendingMsgs(network, self): /\ msg.type = "pl" /\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![self] = counter[self] - 1] /\ active' = [active EXCEPT ![self] = TRUE] /\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "black"] /\ network' = dropMsg(network, self, msg) \/ /\ active' = [active EXCEPT ![self] = FALSE] /\ UNCHANGED <<network, color, counter>> \/ /\ self # Initiator /\ \E tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self): /\ tok.type = "tok" /\ ~active[self] /\ network' = passMsg(network, self, tok, self-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> tok.q + counter[self], color |-> (IF color[self] = "black" THEN "black" ELSE tok.color)]) /\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "white"] /\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter>> \/ /\ self = Initiator /\ \E tok \in pendingMsgs(network, self): /\ tok.type = "tok" /\ (color[self] = "black" \/ tok.q + counter[self] # 0 \/ tok.color = "black") /\ network' = passMsg(network, self, tok, N-1, [type|-> "tok", q |-> 0, color |-> "white"]) /\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![self] = "white"] /\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter>>
Next == (\E self \in Node: node(self))
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ \A self \in Node : WF_vars(node(self))
token == LET tpos == CHOOSE i \in Node : \E m \in DOMAIN network[i]: m.type = "tok" tok == CHOOSE m \in DOMAIN network[tpos] : m.type = "tok" IN [pos |-> tpos, q |-> tok.q, color |-> tok.color]
pending == [n \in Node |-> IF [type|->"pl"] \in DOMAIN network[n] THEN network[n][[type|->"pl"]] ELSE 0]
EWD998Spec == EWD998!Init /\ [][EWD998!Next]_EWD998!vars \* Not checking liveness because we cannot easily define fairness for what ewd998 calls system actions.
THEOREM Spec => EWD998Spec
Alias == [ network |-> network, active |-> active, color |-> color, counter |-> counter, token |-> token, pending |-> pending ]
StateConstraint == \A i \in DOMAIN counter : counter[i] < 3
The following GenAI script will lint the TLA+ spec above. More specifically, it will check if the prose comments in the spec are consistent with the TLA+ definitions.
// metadata (including model parameters)// learn more at{ title: "tlAI-Linter", description: "Check if the prose comments and their TLA+ declarations and definitions are syntactically and semantically consistent" })
// use def to emit LLM variablesdef("TLA+", env.files.filter(f => f.filename.endsWith(".tla")), {lineNumbers: true})
// use $ to output formatted text to the prompt$`You are an expert at TLA+/TLAPLUS. Your task is to check if the prose comments and their TLA+ declarations and definitions are syntactically and semantically consistent!!!Explain any consistencies and inconsistencies you may find. Report inconsistent and consistent pairs in a single ANNOTATION section.
## TLA+ Syntax Hints- A formula [A]_v is called a temporal formula, and is shorthand for the formula A \/ v' = v. In other words, the formula is true if A is true or if the value of v remains unchanged. Usually v is a tuple of the spec's variables.- The symbol \`#\` is alternative syntax used for inequality in TLA+; the other symbol is \`/=\".
## TLA+ Semantics Hints- Do NOT add any invariants or properties to the behavior specification Spec or any of its subformulas. This would change THEOREM Spec => Inv into THEOREM Spec /\ Inv => Inv, which is vacuously true.- TLA+ specs are always stuttering insensitive, i.e., the next-state relation is always [A]_v. In other words, one cannot write a stuttering sensitive specification.
## TLA+ Convention Hints- The type correctness invariant is typically called TypeOK.- Users can employ TLA labels as a means to conceptually associate a comment with a sub-formula like a specific disjunct or conjunct of a TLA formula. Even though these labels have no other function, they facilitate referencing particular parts of the formula from a comment.
## Formal and informal math Hints- Take into account that humans may write informal math that is syntactically different from the formal math, yet semantically equivalent. For example, humans may write \`N > 3T\` instead of \`N > 3 * T\`.`
- line numbers are added to the file content to help the LLM precisely locate the issues.
def("TLA+", env.files.filter(f => f.filename.endsWith(".tla")), {lineNumbers: true})
- the script uses a builtin support for annotations to generate parseable warnings and errors. Annotations are automatically integrated as problems in VSCode or as build errors in the CI/CD pipeline.
$`Report inconsistent and consistent pairs in a single ANNOTATION section.`
- GPT-4 already knows a lot about logic and basic math. However, the script also lists common TLA+ idioms that are relevant to lint a spec.
Github Action
name: tlAI-linter
on: pull_request: branches: - master
jobs: linting: name: tlAI-linter
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
defaults: run: shell: bash
steps: - name: Clone repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ## All history for git diff below to succeed. fetch-depth: 0
- name: Setup NodeJS ## uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: "20"
- name: Run GenAIscript on the TLA+ specs that are added in this pull request. ## Identify git diff: $(git diff --name-only HEAD^ | grep '.tla') ## Install genaiscript runtime: ## Output LLM response in SARIF format: run: npx --yes genaiscript run .github/scripts/tlAI-Linter.genai.js $(git diff --name-only HEAD^ | grep '.tla') -oa results.sarif
- name: Upload SARIF file ## ## if: success() || failure() uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3 with: sarif_file: results.sarif
after cloning the repository and installing dependencies such as node.js, the GenAI script is run to lint the TLA+ specs that were added or modified in the PR.
the script’s output, i.e., the annotations generated by the LLM, are formatted as a SARIF report and upload to the PR.
The linter generated annotations for each prose comment in the spec, and one comment is found to be inconsistent with the TLA+ definitions. A corresponding warning is added to the PR.
