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Ask My Image

The quick-start guide illustrates how to write a GenAIScript that takes input from an image file.

  1. Place your image in a directory visible in VS Code Explorer

  2. Use the > GenAIScript: Create new script... command in the command palette to create a new script.

  3. Update the model in the script header to refer to a model that understands images:

    title: "Apply a script to an image",
    model: "openai:gpt-4o",
  4. Use defImages to ingest the image file into the model context:

    defImages(env.files, { detail: "low" })
  5. Replace the text "TELL THE LLM WHAT TO DO..." with what you want it to do with your image file.

    $`You are a helpful assistant.
    Your goal is to look at the image of a chart provided
    and extract the data it is presented in a tabular format.`
  6. Right click on the image file in VS Code Explorer. Select Run GenAIScript. Select the script you just wrote.

  7. The Output will be displayed in a new document tab.