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Make It Better

Surprising results happen when you repeatidely ask the LLM to “make it better” (see blog post).

In this sample, we use the makeItBetter function from the genaiscript/runtime to acheive exaclty that: asking the LLM to make it better for a few rounds.

Code Explanation

Let’s walk through the script line by line:

import { makeItBetter } from "genaiscript/runtime"

This line imports the makeItBetter function from the GenAIScript runtime. This function is used to improve code by repeating a set of instructions multiple times.

def("CODE", env.files)

This line defines a constant named “CODE” that represents the files in the environment. It essentially sets up the context for the code that needs improvement.

$`Analyze and improve the code.`

This line is a prompt for the AI model. It instructs the system to analyze and enhance the code. The $ is used to denote that this is a special instruction, not a regular code command.

makeItBetter({ repeat: 2 })

This line calls the makeItBetter function with an option to repeat the improvement process twice. It registers a chat participant that injects messages in the chat conversation loop.

The makeItBetter rouhgly looks like this. It registers a callback function that gets called on every chat turn.

export function makeItBetter(options?: { repeat: ... }) {
let round = 0
defChatParticipant((cctx) => {
if (round++ < repeat) {
cctx.console.log(`make it better (round ${round})`)
cctx.$`make it better`