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Output Builder

The env.output object is used to build a markdown output for your script execution. It provides methods to add text, images, tables, and other elements to the output.

const { output } = env
output.heading(3, "Analysis report")

The LLM response from the main script is automatically added to the output as well.

const { output } = env
output.heading(3, "A poem...")
$`Write a poem` // piped to output as well

Markdown support

  • heading
output.heading(2, "Project Overview")
  • fenced code block
output.fence("let x = 0", "js")
  • fenced code block in a details
output.detailsFence("code", "let x = 0", "js")
  • warning, note, caution
output.warn("Probably not a good idea.")
  • image
output.image("", "Sample Image")
  • table example
{ Name: "Alice", Role: "Developer" },
{ Name: "Bob", Role: "Designer" },
  • result item
output.resultItem(true, "All tests passed successfully.")
output.resultItem(false, "There were errors in the deployment process.")
  • details
output.startDetails("Deployment Details", { success: true, expanded: true })
output.appendContent("Deployment completed on 2024-04-27.")

There are more functions available in the OutputBuilder interface.


You can specify a file location for the output file using the --out-output flag in the run command.

Terminal window
genaiscript run ... --out-output ./