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The def function will automatically parse PDF files and extract text from them. This is useful for generating prompts from PDF files.

def("DOCS", env.files) // contains some pdfs
def("PDFS", env.files, { endsWith: ".pdf" }) // only pdfs


The parsers.PDF function reads a PDF file and attempts to cleanly convert it into a text format that is friendly to the LLM.

const { file, pages } = await parsers.PDF(env.files[0])

Once parse, you can use the file and pages to generate prompts. If the parsing fails, file will be undefined.

const { file, pages } = await parsers.PDF(env.files[0])
// inline the entire file
def("FILE", file)
// or analyze page per page, filter pages
pages.slice(0, 2).forEach((page, i) => {
def(`PAGE_${i}`, page)

PDF are messy

The PDF format was never really meant to allow for clean text extraction. The parsers.PDF function uses the pdf-parse package to extract text from the PDF. This package is not perfect and may fail to extract text from some PDFs. If you have access to the original document, it is recommended to use a more text-friendly format such as markdown or plain text.