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Response Priming

It is possible to provide the start of the LLM response (assistant message) in the script. This allows to steer the answer of the LLM to a specify syntax or format.

Use writeText with the {assistant: true} option to provide the assistant text.

$`List 5 colors. Answer with a JSON array. Do not emit the enclosing markdown.`
// help the LLM by starting the JSON array syntax
// in the assistant response
writeText(`[`, { assistant: true })
👤 user
List 5 colors. Answer with a JSON array. Do not emit the enclosing markdown.
🤖 assistant
🤖 assistant

How does it work?

Internally when invoking the LLM, an additional message is added to the query as if the LLM had generated this content.

"messages": [
"role": "assistant",
"content": "[\n"