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It is possible to define tests for the LLM scripts, to evaluate the output quality of the LLM over time and model types.

The tests are executed by promptfoo, a tool for evaluating LLM output quality.

Defining tests

The tests are declared in the script function in your test. You may define one or many tests (array).

tests: [{
files: "src/rag/testcode.ts",
rubrics: "is a report with a list of issues",
facts: `The report says that the input string
should be validated before use.`,


files takes a list of file path (relative to the workspace) and populate the env.files variable while running the test. You can provide multiple files by passing an array of strings.

tests: {
files: "src/rag/testcode.ts",


rubrics checks if the LLM output matches given requirements, using a language model to grade the output based on the rubric (see llm-rubric). You can specify multiple rubrics by passing an array of strings.

tests: {
rubrics: "is a report with a list of issues",


facts checks a factual consistency (see factuality). You can specify multiple facts by passing an array of strings.

given a completion A and reference answer B evaluates whether A is a subset of B, A is a superset of B, A and B are equivalent, A and B disagree, or A and B differ, but difference don’t matter from the perspective of factuality.

tests: {
facts: `The report says that the input string should be validated before use.`,


Other assertions on promptfoo assertions and metrics.

  • icontains (not-icontains") output contains substring case insensitive
  • equals (not-equals) output equals string
  • starts-with (not-starts-with) output starts with string
tests: {
facts: `The report says that the input string should be validated before use.`,
asserts: [
type: "icontains",
value: "issue",
  • contains-all (not-contains-all) output contains all substrings
  • contains-any (not-contains-any) output contains any substring
  • icontains-all (not-icontains-all) output contains all substring case insensitive
tests: {
asserts: [
type: "icontains-all",
value: ["issue", "fix"],


By default, the asserts are executed on the raw LLM output. However, you can use a javascript expression to select a part of the output to test.

tests: {
files: "src/will-trigger.cancel.txt",
asserts: {
type: "equals",
value: "cancelled",
transform: "output.status",

Running tests

You can run tests from Visual Studio Code or using the command line. In both cases, genaiscript generates a promptfoo configuration file and execute promptfoo on it.

Visual Studio Code

  • Open the script to test
  • Right click in the editor and select Run GenAIScript Tests in the context menu
  • The promptfoo web view will automatically open and refresh with the test results.

Command line

Run the test command with the script file as argument.

Terminal window
npx genaiscript test <scriptid>

You can specify additional models to test against by passing the --models option.

Terminal window
npx genaiscript test <scriptid> --models "ollama:phi3"