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Audio Transcription

GenAIScript supports transcription and translations from OpenAI like APIs.

const { text } = await transcribe("video.mp4")


The transcription API will automatically use ffmpeg to convert videos to audio files (opus codec in a ogg container).

You need to install ffmpeg on your system. If the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable is set, GenAIScript will use it as the full path to the ffmpeg executable. Otherwise, it will attempt to call ffmpeg directly (so it should be in your PATH).


By default, the API uses the transcription model alias to transcribe the audio. You can also specify a different model alias using the model option.

const { text } = await transcribe("...", { model: "openai:whisper-1" })


For models that support it, you can retreive the individual segments.

const { segments } = await transcribe("...")
for (const segment of segments) {
const { start, text } = segment
console.log(`[${start}] ${text}`)


GenAIScript renders the segments to SRT and WebVTT formats as well.

const { srt, vtt } = await transcribe("...")


Some models also support transcribing and translating to English in one pass. For this case, set the translate: true flag.

const { srt } = await transcribe("...", { translate: true })


You can cache the transcription results by setting the cache option to true (or a custom name).

const { srt } = await transcribe("...", { cache: true })

or a custom salt

const { srt } = await transcribe("...", { cache: "whisper" })