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The env.vars object contains a set of variable values. You can use these variables to parameterize your script.

// grab locale from variable or default to en-US
const locale = env.vars.locale || "en-US"
// conditionally modify prompt
if (env.vars.explain)
$`Explain your reasoning`

Script parameters

It is possible to declare parameters in the script function call. The env.vars object will contain the values of these parameters.

parameters: {
string: "the default value", // a string parameter with a default value
number: 42, // a number parameter with a default value
boolean: true, // a boolean parameter with a default value
stringWithDescription: {
// a string parameter with a description
type: "string",
default: "the default value",
description: "A description of the parameter",

When invoking this script in VS Code, the user will be prompted to provide values for these parameters.

Variables from the CLI

Use the vars field in the CLI to override variables. vars takes a sequence of key=value pairs.

Terminal window
npx genaiscript run ... --vars myvar=myvalue myvar2=myvalue2 ...

Variables in tests

You can specify variables in the tests object of the script function. These variables will be available in the test scope.

tests: {
vars: {
number: 42