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The def function will automatically parse XML files and extract text from them.

def("DOCS", env.files) // contains some xml files
def("XML", env.files, { endsWith: ".xml" }) // only xml


The global XML.parse function reads an XML file and converts it to a JSON object.

const res = XML.parse('<xml attr="1"><child /></xml>')

Attribute names are prepended with ”@_”.

"xml": {
"@_attr": "1",
"child": {}


You can use XML.parse to parse an RSS feed into a object.

const res = await fetch("")
const { rss } = XML.parse(await res.text())
// channel -> item[] -> { title, description, ... }

Since RSS feeds typically return a rendered HTML description, you can use parsers.HTMLToText to convert it to back plain text.

const articles ={ title, description }) => ({
description: parsers.HTMLToText(description)