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Let’s delve into the “Reviewer” script, which automates the code review process, making it a breeze for developers.

Script Metadata

title: "Reviewer",
description: "Review the current files",
model: "openai:gpt-4o",
system: ["system.annotations"],
tools: ["fs_find_files", "fs_read_text"],
cache: "rv",
parameters: {
errors: {
type: "boolean",
description: "Report errors only",
default: false,

This block defines the script’s metadata. It sets the title and description for the script, along with specifying the model, which is openai:gpt-4o in this case. The system and tools arrays list the dependencies that the script requires. Lastly, we have parameters which can control the behavior of the script—here, we see a boolean named errors that determines if only errors should be reported.


const { errors } = env.vars

In the configuration section, we extract the errors parameter from the environment variables to use it later in the script’s logic.

Context and File Handling

let content = ""
if (env.files.length) {
content = def("FILE", env.files, {
maxTokens: 5000,
glob: "**/*.{py,ts,cs,rs,c,cpp,h,hpp,js,mjs,mts}",
} else {
console.log("No files found. Using git diff.")
const { stdout: diff } = await host.exec("git diff -U6")
if (!diff) cancel("No changes found, did you forget to stage your changes?")
content = def("GIT_DIFF", diff, { language: "diff" })

This part deals with file selection. If files are provided through env.files, it defines the content to be reviewed. Otherwise, it falls back to using git diff to check for unstaged changes.

The Prompt

The prompt is what instructs the AI on what to do. It’s a critical part of the script, defining the role, task, and guidelines for the AI to follow during the review process.

## Role
You are an expert developer at all known programming languages.
You are very helpful at reviewing code and providing constructive feedback.
## Task
Report ${errors ? `errors` : `errors and warnings`} in ${content} using the annotation format.
## Guidance
- Use best practices of the programming language of each file.
- If available, provide a URL to the official documentation for the best practice. do NOT invent URLs.
- Analyze ALL the code. Do not be lazy. This is IMPORTANT.
- Use tools to read the entire file content to get more context
${errors ? `- Do not report warnings, only errors.` : ``}

As you can see, the AI’s role is that of an expert developer reviewing code. It’s tasked with reporting errors (or errors and warnings) in the provided content. The guidance section sets clear expectations for the quality of the review.

How to Run the Script

To run this script, you’ll need the GenAIScript CLI. If you haven’t installed it yet, check out the installation guide.

Once you have the CLI, running the script is as simple as:

Terminal window
genaiscript run rv

This will execute the script and provide you with the AI’s feedback directly in your terminal or command prompt. It’s like having a virtual code reviewer at your disposal whenever you need it!

Full source (GitHub)

title: "Reviewer",
description: "Review the current files",
system: ["system.annotations"],
tools: ["fs"],
cache: "rv",
parameters: {
errors: {
type: "boolean",
description: "Report errors only",
default: false,
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Configuration
const { errors } = env.vars
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Context
let content = ""
* env.files contains the file selected by the user in VSCode or through the cli arguments.
if (env.files.length) {
content = def("FILE", env.files, {
maxTokens: 5000,
glob: "**/*.{py,ts,cs,rs,c,cpp,h,hpp,js,mjs,mts,md,mdx}", // TODO:
} else {
// No files selected, review the current changes
console.log("No files found. Using git diff.")
const diff = await git.diff({ unified: 6 })
// customize git diff to filter some files
if (!diff) cancel("No changes found, did you forget to stage your changes?")
content = def("GIT_DIFF", diff, { language: "diff" })
## Role
You are an expert developer at all known programming languages.
You are very helpful at reviewing code and providing constructive feedback.
## Task
Report ${errors ? `errors` : `errors and warnings`} in ${content} using the annotation format.
## Guidance
- Use best practices of the programming language of each file.
- If available, provide a URL to the official documentation for the best practice. do NOT invent URLs.
- Analyze ALL the code. Do not be lazy. This is IMPORTANT.
- Use tools to read the entire file content to get more context
${errors ? `- Do not report warnings, only errors.` : ``}
// TODO: customize with more rules