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Interface AssetLike


  • AssetLike

Implemented by



Optional animationData

animationData: Partial<AnimationDataLike>

Only populated when this asset is animation data. An asset will only have one of these types specified.


id: Guid

The unique id of this asset. Use this to reference this asset in actors, etc.

Optional material

material: Partial<MaterialLike>

Only populated when this asset is a material. An asset will have only one of these types specified.

Optional mesh

mesh: Partial<MeshLike>

Only populated when this asset is a mesh. An asset will have only one of these types specified.

Optional name

name: string

A human-readable string identifying the asset. Not required to be unique, but can be referenced by name if it is.

Optional prefab

prefab: Partial<PrefabLike>

Only populated when this asset is a prefab. An asset will have only one of these types specified.

Optional sound

sound: Partial<SoundLike>

Only populated when this asset is a sound. An asset will have only one of these types specified.

Optional source

source: AssetSource

Where this asset came from. Used for loading on late-joining clients.

Optional texture

texture: Partial<TextureLike>

Only populated when this asset is a texture. An asset will have only one of these types specified.

Optional videoStream

videoStream: Partial<VideoStreamLike>

Only populated when this asset is a video stream. An asset will have only one of these types specified.