Struct windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D11::ID3D11DeviceContext2
pub struct ID3D11DeviceContext2(/* private fields */);
§impl ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl ID3D11DeviceContext2
pub unsafe fn UpdateTileMappings<P0, P1>(
ptiledresource: P0,
numtiledresourceregions: u32,
ptiledresourceregionstartcoordinates: Option<*const D3D11_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE>,
ptiledresourceregionsizes: Option<*const D3D11_TILE_REGION_SIZE>,
ptilepool: P1,
numranges: u32,
prangeflags: Option<*const u32>,
ptilepoolstartoffsets: Option<*const u32>,
prangetilecounts: Option<*const u32>,
flags: u32,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn CopyTileMappings<P0, P1>(
pdesttiledresource: P0,
pdestregionstartcoordinate: *const D3D11_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE,
psourcetiledresource: P1,
psourceregionstartcoordinate: *const D3D11_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE,
ptileregionsize: *const D3D11_TILE_REGION_SIZE,
flags: u32,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn CopyTiles<P0, P1>(
ptiledresource: P0,
ptileregionstartcoordinate: *const D3D11_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE,
ptileregionsize: *const D3D11_TILE_REGION_SIZE,
pbuffer: P1,
bufferstartoffsetinbytes: u64,
flags: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn UpdateTiles<P0>(
pdesttiledresource: P0,
pdesttileregionstartcoordinate: *const D3D11_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE,
pdesttileregionsize: *const D3D11_TILE_REGION_SIZE,
psourcetiledata: *const c_void,
flags: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn ResizeTilePool<P0>(
ptilepool: P0,
newsizeinbytes: u64,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn TiledResourceBarrier<P0, P1>(
ptiledresourceorviewaccessbeforebarrier: P0,
ptiledresourceorviewaccessafterbarrier: P1,
P0: Param<ID3D11DeviceChild>,
P1: Param<ID3D11DeviceChild>,
pub unsafe fn IsAnnotationEnabled(&self) -> BOOL
pub unsafe fn SetMarkerInt<P0>(&self, plabel: P0, data: i32)where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn BeginEventInt<P0>(&self, plabel: P0, data: i32)where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn EndEvent(&self)
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D11DeviceContext1>§
pub unsafe fn CopySubresourceRegion1<P0, P1>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
dstx: u32,
dsty: u32,
dstz: u32,
psrcresource: P1,
srcsubresource: u32,
psrcbox: Option<*const D3D11_BOX>,
copyflags: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn UpdateSubresource1<P0>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
pdstbox: Option<*const D3D11_BOX>,
psrcdata: *const c_void,
srcrowpitch: u32,
srcdepthpitch: u32,
copyflags: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn DiscardResource<P0>(&self, presource: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn DiscardView<P0>(&self, presourceview: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11View>,
pub unsafe fn VSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn HSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn DSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn GSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn PSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn CSSetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*const u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn VSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn HSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn DSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn GSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn PSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetConstantBuffers1( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pfirstconstant: Option<*mut u32>, pnumconstants: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn SwapDeviceContextState<P0>(
pstate: P0,
pppreviousstate: Option<*mut Option<ID3DDeviceContextState>>,
P0: Param<ID3DDeviceContextState>,
pub unsafe fn ClearView<P0>(
pview: P0,
color: &[f32; 4],
prect: Option<&[RECT]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11View>,
pub unsafe fn DiscardView1<P0>(
presourceview: P0,
prects: Option<&[RECT]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11View>,
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D11DeviceContext>§
pub unsafe fn VSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn PSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn PSSetShader<P0>(
ppixelshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11PixelShader>,
pub unsafe fn PSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn VSSetShader<P0>(
pvertexshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11VertexShader>,
pub unsafe fn DrawIndexed( &self, indexcount: u32, startindexlocation: u32, basevertexlocation: i32, )
pub unsafe fn Draw(&self, vertexcount: u32, startvertexlocation: u32)
pub unsafe fn Map<P0>(
presource: P0,
subresource: u32,
maptype: D3D11_MAP,
mapflags: u32,
pmappedresource: Option<*mut D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE>,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn Unmap<P0>(&self, presource: P0, subresource: u32)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn PSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn IASetInputLayout<P0>(&self, pinputlayout: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11InputLayout>,
pub unsafe fn IASetVertexBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppvertexbuffers: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pstrides: Option<*const u32>, poffsets: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn IASetIndexBuffer<P0>(
pindexbuffer: P0,
format: DXGI_FORMAT,
offset: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn DrawIndexedInstanced( &self, indexcountperinstance: u32, instancecount: u32, startindexlocation: u32, basevertexlocation: i32, startinstancelocation: u32, )
pub unsafe fn DrawInstanced( &self, vertexcountperinstance: u32, instancecount: u32, startvertexlocation: u32, startinstancelocation: u32, )
pub unsafe fn GSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn GSSetShader<P0>(
pshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11GeometryShader>,
pub unsafe fn IASetPrimitiveTopology(&self, topology: D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY)
pub unsafe fn VSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn VSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn Begin<P0>(&self, pasync: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Asynchronous>,
pub unsafe fn End<P0>(&self, pasync: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Asynchronous>,
pub unsafe fn GetData<P0>(
pasync: P0,
pdata: Option<*mut c_void>,
datasize: u32,
getdataflags: u32,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D11Asynchronous>,
pub unsafe fn SetPredication<P0, P1>(&self, ppredicate: P0, predicatevalue: P1)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Predicate>,
P1: Param<BOOL>,
pub unsafe fn GSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn GSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn OMSetRenderTargets<P0>(
pprendertargetviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11RenderTargetView>]>,
pdepthstencilview: P0,
P0: Param<ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
pub unsafe fn OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews<P0>(
pprendertargetviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11RenderTargetView>]>,
pdepthstencilview: P0,
uavstartslot: u32,
numuavs: u32,
ppunorderedaccessviews: Option<*const Option<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>>,
puavinitialcounts: Option<*const u32>,
P0: Param<ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
pub unsafe fn OMSetBlendState<P0>(
pblendstate: P0,
blendfactor: Option<&[f32; 4]>,
samplemask: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11BlendState>,
pub unsafe fn OMSetDepthStencilState<P0>(
pdepthstencilstate: P0,
stencilref: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11DepthStencilState>,
pub unsafe fn SOSetTargets( &self, numbuffers: u32, ppsotargets: Option<*const Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, poffsets: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn DrawAuto(&self)
pub unsafe fn DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect<P0>(
pbufferforargs: P0,
alignedbyteoffsetforargs: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn DrawInstancedIndirect<P0>(
pbufferforargs: P0,
alignedbyteoffsetforargs: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn Dispatch( &self, threadgroupcountx: u32, threadgroupcounty: u32, threadgroupcountz: u32, )
pub unsafe fn DispatchIndirect<P0>(
pbufferforargs: P0,
alignedbyteoffsetforargs: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
pub unsafe fn RSSetState<P0>(&self, prasterizerstate: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11RasterizerState>,
pub unsafe fn RSSetViewports(&self, pviewports: Option<&[D3D11_VIEWPORT]>)
pub unsafe fn RSSetScissorRects(&self, prects: Option<&[RECT]>)
pub unsafe fn CopySubresourceRegion<P0, P1>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
dstx: u32,
dsty: u32,
dstz: u32,
psrcresource: P1,
srcsubresource: u32,
psrcbox: Option<*const D3D11_BOX>,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn CopyResource<P0, P1>(&self, pdstresource: P0, psrcresource: P1)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn UpdateSubresource<P0>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
pdstbox: Option<*const D3D11_BOX>,
psrcdata: *const c_void,
srcrowpitch: u32,
srcdepthpitch: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn CopyStructureCount<P0, P1>(
pdstbuffer: P0,
dstalignedbyteoffset: u32,
psrcview: P1,
P0: Param<ID3D11Buffer>,
P1: Param<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>,
pub unsafe fn ClearRenderTargetView<P0>(
prendertargetview: P0,
colorrgba: &[f32; 4],
P0: Param<ID3D11RenderTargetView>,
pub unsafe fn ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint<P0>(
punorderedaccessview: P0,
values: &[u32; 4],
P0: Param<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>,
pub unsafe fn ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat<P0>(
punorderedaccessview: P0,
values: &[f32; 4],
P0: Param<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>,
pub unsafe fn ClearDepthStencilView<P0>(
pdepthstencilview: P0,
clearflags: u32,
depth: f32,
stencil: u8,
P0: Param<ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
pub unsafe fn GenerateMips<P0>(&self, pshaderresourceview: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>,
pub unsafe fn SetResourceMinLOD<P0>(&self, presource: P0, minlod: f32)where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn GetResourceMinLOD<P0>(&self, presource: P0) -> f32where
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn ResolveSubresource<P0, P1>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
psrcresource: P1,
srcsubresource: u32,
format: DXGI_FORMAT,
P0: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D11Resource>,
pub unsafe fn ExecuteCommandList<P0, P1>(
pcommandlist: P0,
restorecontextstate: P1,
P0: Param<ID3D11CommandList>,
P1: Param<BOOL>,
pub unsafe fn HSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn HSSetShader<P0>(
phullshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11HullShader>,
pub unsafe fn HSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn HSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSSetShader<P0>(
pdomainshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11DomainShader>,
pub unsafe fn DSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSSetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSSetUnorderedAccessViews( &self, startslot: u32, numuavs: u32, ppunorderedaccessviews: Option<*const Option<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>>, puavinitialcounts: Option<*const u32>, )
pub unsafe fn CSSetShader<P0>(
pcomputeshader: P0,
ppclassinstances: Option<&[Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>]>,
P0: Param<ID3D11ComputeShader>,
pub unsafe fn CSSetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSSetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&[Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn VSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn PSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn PSGetShader( &self, pppixelshader: *mut Option<ID3D11PixelShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn PSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn VSGetShader( &self, ppvertexshader: *mut Option<ID3D11VertexShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn PSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn IAGetInputLayout(&self) -> Result<ID3D11InputLayout>
pub unsafe fn IAGetVertexBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, numbuffers: u32, ppvertexbuffers: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, pstrides: Option<*mut u32>, poffsets: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn IAGetIndexBuffer( &self, pindexbuffer: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Buffer>>, format: Option<*mut DXGI_FORMAT>, offset: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn GSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn GSGetShader( &self, ppgeometryshader: *mut Option<ID3D11GeometryShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn IAGetPrimitiveTopology(&self) -> D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY
pub unsafe fn VSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn VSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn GetPredication( &self, pppredicate: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11Predicate>>, ppredicatevalue: Option<*mut BOOL>, )
pub unsafe fn GSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn GSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn OMGetRenderTargets( &self, pprendertargetviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11RenderTargetView>]>, ppdepthstencilview: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11DepthStencilView>>, )
pub unsafe fn OMGetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews( &self, pprendertargetviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11RenderTargetView>]>, ppdepthstencilview: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11DepthStencilView>>, uavstartslot: u32, ppunorderedaccessviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn OMGetBlendState( &self, ppblendstate: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11BlendState>>, blendfactor: Option<&mut [f32; 4]>, psamplemask: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn OMGetDepthStencilState( &self, ppdepthstencilstate: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11DepthStencilState>>, pstencilref: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn SOGetTargets( &self, ppsotargets: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn RSGetState(&self) -> Result<ID3D11RasterizerState>
pub unsafe fn RSGetViewports( &self, pnumviewports: *mut u32, pviewports: Option<*mut D3D11_VIEWPORT>, )
pub unsafe fn RSGetScissorRects( &self, pnumrects: *mut u32, prects: Option<*mut RECT>, )
pub unsafe fn HSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn HSGetShader( &self, pphullshader: *mut Option<ID3D11HullShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn HSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn HSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSGetShader( &self, ppdomainshader: *mut Option<ID3D11DomainShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn DSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn DSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetShaderResources( &self, startslot: u32, ppshaderresourceviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetUnorderedAccessViews( &self, startslot: u32, ppunorderedaccessviews: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetShader( &self, ppcomputeshader: *mut Option<ID3D11ComputeShader>, ppclassinstances: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11ClassInstance>>, pnumclassinstances: Option<*mut u32>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetSamplers( &self, startslot: u32, ppsamplers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11SamplerState>]>, )
pub unsafe fn CSGetConstantBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, ppconstantbuffers: Option<&mut [Option<ID3D11Buffer>]>, )
pub unsafe fn ClearState(&self)
pub unsafe fn Flush(&self)
pub unsafe fn GetType(&self) -> D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE
pub unsafe fn GetContextFlags(&self) -> u32
pub unsafe fn FinishCommandList<P0>(
restoredeferredcontextstate: P0,
ppcommandlist: Option<*mut Option<ID3D11CommandList>>,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<BOOL>,
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D11DeviceChild>§
pub unsafe fn GetDevice(&self) -> Result<ID3D11Device>
pub unsafe fn GetPrivateData( &self, guid: *const GUID, pdatasize: *mut u32, pdata: Option<*mut c_void>, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPrivateData( &self, guid: *const GUID, datasize: u32, pdata: Option<*const c_void>, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPrivateDataInterface<P0>(
guid: *const GUID,
pdata: P0,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<IUnknown>,
Trait Implementations§
§impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceChild> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceChild> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext1> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext1> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext3
impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext3
§impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext4
impl CanInto<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext4
§impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl Clone for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Clone for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn clone(&self) -> ID3D11DeviceContext2
fn clone(&self) -> ID3D11DeviceContext2
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read more§impl Debug for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Debug for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl Deref for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Deref for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceChild
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceChild
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceContext
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceContext
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceContext1
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &ID3D11DeviceContext1
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &IUnknown
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext2> for &IUnknown
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext3> for &ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext3> for &ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext3) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext3) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext4> for &ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl From<&ID3D11DeviceContext4> for &ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext4) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D11DeviceContext4) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceChild
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceChild
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext1
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for ID3D11DeviceContext1
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for IUnknown
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext2> for IUnknown
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext3> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext3> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext3) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext3) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext4> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl From<ID3D11DeviceContext4> for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext4) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D11DeviceContext4) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl Interface for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Interface for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the
implementation.§fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.
§fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
Attempts to cast the current interface to another interface using
. Read more§fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. Read more§fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
§fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. &MyApp_Impl
, not the inner &MyApp
object. Read more§fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. MyApp_Impl
, not the inner MyApp
object. Read more§fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
Attempts to create a [
] reference to this object.§impl PartialEq for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl PartialEq for ID3D11DeviceContext2
§fn eq(&self, other: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> bool
fn eq(&self, other: &ID3D11DeviceContext2) -> bool
This method tests for
and other
values to be equal, and is used
by ==
.impl Eq for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Send for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl StructuralPartialEq for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Sync for ID3D11DeviceContext2
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl RefUnwindSafe for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl Unpin for ID3D11DeviceContext2
impl UnwindSafe for ID3D11DeviceContext2
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
source§impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
source§default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (