The Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit is a collaborative project containing contributions from individuals around the world. Our sincere thanks to all who have, and continue to contribute.
- achaperon
- Adam Mitchell (AdamMitchell-ms)
- Addison Linville (radicalad)
- ADP-JoNeff
- afarchy
- Against Lightning XR (againstlightning)
- alandergrouse (alandergrouse)
- Alex Floyd (elbuhofantasma)
- Alexander Seeck (Alexees)
- Andrew Hall (ryzngard)
- Anton Zachesov (googlan)
- Anuraag Puri (anuraag016)
- artsouflMS
- Ben Godard (genbod)
- Bernadette Thalhammer (thalbern)
- Bertrand Oustrière (BertrandOustriere)
- Blake Gross (blgrossMS)
- Brandon Furtwangler (brandf)
- Bryan Truong (bhtruong93)
- C. M. Barth (chrisfromwork)
- Cameron (Cameron-Micka)
- cartwrightluke
- Casey Crabb (ptc-ccrabb)
- CDiaz-MS
- cefoot
- cellarmation
- CoPrez
- Cristiano Carvalheiro (ccarvalheiro)
- Daniel Hofmann (danielhofmann-ms)
- David Evans (phosphoer)
- David Johnson (djohnsomsft)
- David Kline (davidkline-ms)
- deibich
- deibu
- Derek (derekfreed)
- Dino Fejzagić (FejZa)
- Dirk Songür (DirkSonguer)
- DominicAglialoro
- Eric Carter (Ecnassianer)
- Eric Fiscus (MRW-Eric)
- Eric O'Brien (ericob)
- Eric Provencher (provencher)
- etiennemargraff (meulta)
- Eusebiu Marcu (eusebiu)
- Evan Tice (in2dair)
- Finn Sinclair (Zee2)
- Florian Jasche (FlorianJa)
- Forrest Trepte (ForrestTrepte)
- Francesco Clasadonte (klasaf)
- gauravb4
- George Johnston (gejohnst)
- gilbdev (gilbdev)
- Grace Lee (grayclee)
- Graham Bury (grbury)
- Harrison Ferrone (hferrone)
- Harrison Yu (harrisonyu)
- hybridherbst
- Hyung-il Kim (hyungilkim)
- Jared Bienz [MSFT] (jbienzms)
- Jarod (Jarodshow)
- Jerome Humbert (djee-ms)
- Jesse Vander Does (FreakTheMighty)
- John (johnppella)
- Jon Palmer (JonathanPalmerGD)
- Jonathan Dana (Nakda)
- Jonathan Palmer (JPalmerDev)
- Joost van Schaik (LocalJoost)
- Josh Wittner (jwittner)
- julesra
- Julia Schwarz (julenka)
- julianloehr-kg
- Ken Jakubzak (KenJakubzak)
- Kent1 (Kent1LG)
- Kevin Kennedy (KevinKennedy)
- Kevin Semple (polar-kev)
- kircher1
- kiyasu (holohiko)
- Kjakubzak (Kjakubzak)
- Kurtis (keveleigh)
- LaneMax
- Lars Simkins (Railboy)
- Luis Valverde (luval-microsoft)
- Luis Valverde (luis-valverde-ms)
- Lukas Tönne (lukastoenneMS)
- Maciej Borowik (macborow)
- Malcolm Tyrrell (MalcolmTyrrell)
- Marek Stój (marek-stoj)
- Mark Finch (fast-slow-still)
- Matteo Valoriani (mvaloriani)
- Matthew Johnson (matthejo)
- MaxWang-MS
- michael (insominx)
- Michael House (michael-house)
- Michael Kozlowski (mpkoz)
- ms738
- Myranda (myrandaGoesToSpace)
- Nathan Ostrander (naostranMS)
- Niall Milsom (MenelvagorMilsom)
- omanuke
- Oscar Salandin (ossala)
- PatientEz
- ritijain
- Robert Onulak (Ziugy)
- Roberto Sonnino (robertos)
- RogPodge
- Roland Smeenk (rolandsmeenk)
- Rosthouse (Rosthouse)
- rwinj
- Sarah (SarahSexton)
- SGHolospace
- Shawn Gwin (sgwin)
- Shinya Tachihara (decoc)
- Simon (Darkside) Jackson (SimonDarksideJ)
- sostel
- Srinjoy Majumdar (srinjoym)
- Stefan Wasserbauer (wassx)
- Stephen Hodgson (StephenHodgson)
- Steve Leigh (xwipeoutx)
- Sue Loh [MS] (sloh-ms)
- tarukosu (tarukosu)
- Tim Gerken (timGerken)
- Todd Williams (killerantz)
- Troy Ferrell (Troy-Ferrell)
- Vanessa Oliva (vaoliva)
- Weasy (Weasy666)
- Will (wiwei)
- William Tian (witian)
- Yoon Park (cre8ivepark)
- yoyo (Yoyozilla)