Clipping Primitive
The ClippingPrimitive
behaviors allow for performant plane
, sphere
, and box
shape clipping with the ability to specify which side of the primitive to clip against (inside or outside) when used with MRTK shaders.
utilize clip/discard instructions within shaders and, by default, disables Unity's ability to batch clipped renderers. Take these performance implications in mind when utilizing clipping primitives. See Instancing for further details.
, ClippingSphere.cs
, and ClippingBox.cs
can be used to easily control clipping primitive properties. Use these components with the following shaders to leverage clipping scenarios.
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/Standard
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/TextMeshPro
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/Text3DShader
The ClippingExamples, MaterialGallery, and ClippingInstancedExamples scenes demonstrate usage of the ClippingPrimitive
behaviors, and can be found at: MRTK/Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes/
In order to avoid assumptions when enabling shader features, by default ClippingPrimitives
instance the Renderers'
materials. This disables Unity's ability to batch the Renderers'
draw calls through GPU instancing.
To enable batching you need to take these steps:
- Ensure every group of objects that you want batched share the same material, and only that group uses that material.
- Ensure that material has
Enable GPU Instancing
checked on. - Check on
Apply To Shared Material
for the relevantClippingPrimitive(s)
in the Unity Inspector.
The Unity Frame Debugger is a great tool for validating that objects are being batched as intended.
Clipping with Multiple Primitives
By default only one ClippingPrimitive
can clip a renderer at a time. If your project requires more than one ClippingPrimitive
to influence a renderer the sample code below demonstrates how to achieve this.
Having multiple ClippingPrimitives
clip a renderer will increase pixel shader instructions and will impact performance. Please profile these changes within your project.
Different Types
How to have two different ClippingPrimitives
clip a render, e.g. a ClippingSphere
and ClippingBox
at the same time?
This change would enable having up to one instance of each primitive type affect the same Renderer:
// Within MRTK/Core/StandardAssets/Shaders/MixedRealityStandard.shader (or another MRTK shader) change:
// to:
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_PLANE
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_SPHERE
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_BOX
The above change will incur additional shader compilation time.
Same Type
How to have two of the same ClippingPrimitives
clip a render, e.g two ClippingBoxes
at the same time?
This change would enable two ClippingBoxes
at the same time:
// 1) Add the below MonoBehaviour to your project:
public class SecondClippingBox : ClippingBox
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string Keyword
get { return "_CLIPPING_BOX2"; }
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string ClippingSideProperty
get { return "_ClipBoxSide2"; }
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void Initialize()
clipBoxSizeID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipBoxSize2");
clipBoxInverseTransformID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipBoxInverseTransform2");
// 2) Within MRTK/Core/StandardAssets/Shaders/MixedRealityStandard.shader (or another MRTK shader) add the following multi_compile pragma:
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_BOX2
// 3) In the same shader change:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_PLANE) || defined(_CLIPPING_SPHERE) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
// to:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_PLANE) || defined(_CLIPPING_SPHERE) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
// 4) In the same shader add the following shader variables:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP(float4x4, _ClipBoxInverseTransform2)
// 5) In the same shader change:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
fixed clipBoxSide = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxSide);
float4x4 clipBoxInverseTransform = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxInverseTransform);
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(, clipBoxInverseTransform) * clipBoxSide);
// to:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
fixed clipBoxSide = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxSide);
float4x4 clipBoxInverseTransform = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxInverseTransform);
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(, clipBoxInverseTransform) * clipBoxSide);
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
fixed clipBoxSide2 = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxSide2);
float4x4 clipBoxInverseTransform2 = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _ClipBoxInverseTransform2);
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(, clipBoxInverseTransform2) * clipBoxSide2);
Finally, add a ClippingBox
and SecondClippingBox
component to your scene and specify the same Renderer for both boxes. The Renderer should now be clipped by both boxes.